Faculty of Education and Human Development

Archive-PSCL 2015/16

PSCL 2015/16 B1 Programme

PSCL 2015/16 B1 Programme Handbook 

(The Hong Kong Institute of Education has become The Education University of Hong Kong with effect from 27-May 2016. “The Hong Kong Institute of Education (香港教育學院)”, “The Institute (學院)” or “HKIEd (教院)” in this Handbook 2015/16 refers to “The Education University of Hong Kong (香港教育大學)”, “The University (大學)” or “EdUHK (教大)”.  )


PSCL 2015/16 B1 Module 1: Curriculum Change

B1 Module 1  Session 1 & 2 Lecture Notes

B1 Module 1  Session 1 & 2 Summary

B1 Module 1  Appx. 1_全面評鑑報告 (節錄)-福建中學附屬學校

B1 Module 1  Appx. 2_香港學校表現指標-中小學及特殊學校適用

B1 Module 1  Appx. 3_基礎教育課程指引— 聚焦‧深化‧持續 (節錄)

B1 Module 1 Recommended WS 1 課程變革

B1 Module 1 Recommended WS 2  課程變革的行動計劃

B1 Module 1 Recommended WS 2  課程變革的行動計劃 (參考資料)

B1 Module 1 Recommended WS 3  課程領導的角色


PSCL 2015/16 B1 Module 2: Curriculum Leadership

B1 Module 2 Session 1 Lecture Notes

B1 Module 2 Session 2 Lecture Notes

B1 Module 2 Session 1 Recommended WS 1 發展可持續課程革新的校本行動方案

B1 Module 2 Session 2 Recommended WS 1 小學課程團隊的實作經驗分享


PSCL 2015/16 B1 Module 3: Curriculum Management

B1 Module 3 Session 1-2 Lecture Notes

B1 Module 3 Session 1-2 Supplementary Materials

B1 Module 3 Session 1-2 Recommended WS 1 學校發展方向部署參照表格

B1 Module 3 Session 1-2 Recommended WS 2 課程管理 - 角色扮演


PSCL 2015/16 B1 Module 4: Curriculum Planning, Design and Implementation

B1 Module 4 Session 1-2 Lecture Notes

B1 Module 4 Session 3 Lecture Notes

B1 Module 4 Session 1-2 ALL Recommended WS

B1 Module 4 Session 3 Recommended WS

B1 Module 4 Session 3 WS 1 (optional)


PSCL 2015/16 B1 Module 5: Curriculum-based Assessment

B1 Module 5 Session 1 Lecture Notes

B1 Module 5 Session 2 Lecture Notes

B1 Module 5 Session 1 Recommended WS 學習活動 5

B1 Module 5 Session 2 Recommended WS 學習活動 5 OR 學習活動 6

B1 Module 5 Session 1 other WS (optional) [*學習活動 5 should be included in the learning portfolio.]

B1 Module 5 Session 2 other WS (optional) [*學習活動 5 OR 學習活動 6 should be included in the learning portfolio.]


PSCL 2015/16 B1 Module 6: Professional Development and Organization Learning

B1 Module 6 Session 1 Lecture Notes

B1 Module 6 Session 2 Lecture Notes

B1 Module 6 Session 3 Lecture Notes

B1 Module 6 Session 1 & 3 Sample Materials & Readings

B1 Module 6 Session 3 Appendix & Readings

B1 Module 6 Session 1 Recommended WS 1-2

B1 Module 6 Session 2 Recommended WS 1 教師個人分析表

B1 Module 6 Session 2 Recommended WS 2 各種專業發展模式的優勢限制 

B1 Module 6 Session 3 Recommended WS 1 領導層的領導風格優點

B1 Module 6 Session 3 Recommended WS 2 組織文化


PSCL 2015/16 B1 Module 7: Learning Theories and Their Applications in the Design of Curriculum Units and Development of Learning and Teaching Strategies

B1 Module 7 Session 1 Lecture Notes

B1 Module 7 Session 2 Lecture Notes

B1 Module 7 Session 3 Lecture Notes

B1 Module 7 Session 1-4 Lecture Notes

(Recommended WS: Choose only 1 case study from 6 case studies provided)

B1 Module 7 Session 2 Recommended WS & Supplementary notes in PDF format 

B1 Module 7 Session 2 Recommended WS in PowerPoint format 

B1 Module 7 Session 3 Recommended WS & Supplementary notes in PDF format

B1 Module 7 Session 3 Recommended WS in PowerPoint format


PSCL 2015/16 B2 Programme

PSCL 2015/16 B2 Programme Handbook

(The Hong Kong Institute of Education has become The Education University of Hong Kong with effect from 27-May 2016. “The Hong Kong Institute of Education (香港教育學院)”, “The Institute (學院)” or “HKIEd (教院)” in this Handbook 2015/16 refers to “The Education University of Hong Kong (香港教育大學)”, “The University (大學)” or “EdUHK (教大)”.  )


PSCL 2015/16 B2 Session 1

B2 Session 1 Lecture Notes

B2 Session 1 WS 1 行動研究報告

B2 Session 1 WS 2 小組研讀

B2 Session 1 WS 3 PSMCD課程行動計畫書 Blank

B2 Session 1 WS 4 PSMCD課程行動計畫書


PSCL 2015/16 B2 Session 2

B2 Session 2 Lecture Notes

B2 Session 2 WS 1 行動研究報告

B2 Session 2 共同建構的功課思維圖


PSCL 2015/16 B2 Session 3

B2 Session 3 Lecture Notes

B2 Session 3 WS 1 編制問卷的原則

B2 Session 3 WS 2 comment on scale

B2 Session 3 WS 3 example of TS relationship

B2 Session 3 WS 4 scale development

B2 Session 3 WS 5 Sample Scale T&L

B2 Session 3 WS 6 Sample questionnaire 教學質素


PSCL 2015/16 B2 Session 4

B2 Session 4 Lecture Notes


PSCL 2015/16 B2 Session 5

B2 Session 5 Lecture Notes and Worksheets