


Tips for Using Self-compassion to Alleviate Parenting Stress


In an article of the magazine, Parenting Headline, Dr Wilbert Law, Assistant Professor of Department of Psychology and Convenor of Continuing Education of Division of Educational Psychology, Hong Kong Psychological Society, shared practical tips for parents on how to apply the three components of self-compassion, including mindfulness, common humanity and self-kindness, to help them to reduce parenting stress. When parents are experiencing parenting stress, especially under COVID19 pandemic, they may want to be aware of their present emotions and thoughts, and accept these emotions and thoughts without suppressing, denying or magnifying them (mindfulness). In addition, parents may try to remind themselves that these emotions are common to most parents and not unique to them (common humanity). Lastly, parents can adapt a more caring and kind attitude to their own needs, just like the way they care their good friends (self-kindness).

For details, please click: Parenting Headline

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