
A 5-minute video guide to use of the MoI website
This website aims at providing insights into teaching and learning in an EMI (English as a medium of instruction) tertiary environment. It is informed by research studies on a language policy reform at an institute in Hong Kong, where English is considered as a foreign language.
Drawing on the findings from the contributing projects, the website provides two sets of materials respectively for teachers and students to better adapt to a classroom where the dominant language is English.
It also provides three briefing papers presenting findings from different projects including "Enactment of medium of instruction policy: Enhancement of student learning in courses with English as a medium of instruction," for those who are interested to know details of the findings. Through surveys and interviews conducted at a tertiary institute in Hong Kong, the reports present the perceptions of two groups of stakeholders of the MoI policy and provide critical insights in helping instructors and learners cope with the change.
As an increasing number of tertiary educational institutes worldwide are considering the possibility of mandating English as the MoI in view of the perceived strategic value of the language for global competitiveness, this webpage which will be regularly updated will prove useful for post-secondary institutions which aim to switch their MoI to English or are undergoing a similar change in a wider context.
Dr. Tae Hee CHOI
The Education University of Hong Kong