Master of Arts in Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages
Application for the September 2019 intake is now closed. Please visit our admission website for details.
The MATESOL programme meets the Education Bureau’s Postgraduate Subject Knowledge requirements for English teaching in Hong Kong. MATESOL is a recognized language major degree programme. MATESOL students who joined the teaching profession before the 2004/05 school year may apply for the “Professional Development Incentive Grant Scheme for Language Teachers” offered by The Standing Committee on Language Education and Research (SCOLAR) to enhance their subject knowledge and pedagogy in the language they teach.
For details, please refer to the Education Bureau and SCOLAR websites.
The MATESOL programme provides a practical, professionally-focused Master’s degree for graduates who are in need of an advanced academic qualification in TESOL. It is designed for English language teachers, teacher educators and language professionals working in areas of language teaching, language-in-education policy, curriculum design and planning, materials development and assessment in Hong Kong, mainland China or overseas.
The programme includes core courses in ELT methodology and Second language research. A range of electives broaden students’ knowledge of English language pronunciation, vocabulary and grammar, curriculum and assessment, literature and language arts in language teaching, impact of the global spread of English on local speech communities, and social and psychological aspects of language learning.
Students may complete the programme by coursework or choose a specialized degree strand to complete the programme by coursework plus dissertation. The MATESOL does not include a practical teaching component and is recommended to be taken in conjunction with a PGDE or equivalent teaching qualification.

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For more information, please download the programme leaflet below.

*The Hong Kong Institute of Education (HKIEd) was retitled “The Education University of Hong Kong” (EdUHK) on 27 May 2016.
Programme Leader
Dr Angel MA 
Programme Enquiries