
Corpus stylistics and Chinese literary discourses: A comparative study of four novels by Shen Congwen (沈從⽂) and Chang Eileen (張愛玲)

  • 2020年01月14日
  • 研究及知識轉移

LML/CRLLS Research Seminar


Title:Corpus stylistics and Chinese literary discourses: A comparative study of four novels by Shen Congwen (沈從⽂) and Chang Eileen (張愛玲)
Speaker:Prof Gao Zhao-Ming (National Taiwan University)
Date:14 January 2020
Time:3:30 pm - 5:00 pm
Mode of presentationD1-LP-08




Corpus stylistics and Chinese literary discourses: A comparative study of four novels by Shen Congwen (沈從⽂) and Chang Eileen (張愛玲)



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