CLAPP Jeffrey Michael博士
- 2948 7835
- B3-2/F-17
- jmclapp@eduhk.hk
I focus on literature in English, and I'm writing a book about contemporary literature in the United States. My previous writing has appeared or will appear in College Literature, Contemporary Literature, Critique, Life Writing, Mosaic, Partial Answers, Post45, Textual Practice, Texas Studies in Literature and Language, and elsewhere. I am the co-editor of a collection of essays entitled Security and Hospitality in Literature and Culture.
For several years, I have been exploring the capacities and affordances of social annotation technologies for teaching literature. Results have appeared in Arts and Humanities in Higher Educationand English in Education.
I am the director of the large-scale community reading project 我城我書 / One City One Book Hong Kongand general editor of Xi Xi City, a digital humanities project that celebrates the work of Hong Kong's most delightful writer.
My office is B3-2/F-17.