


Scholarly Books, Monographs and Chapters


  • 張曉恩(2019):詩畫交流的藝術體現 —— 凌叔華兒童小說的風景畫,輯於宋詒瑞主編,兒童繪本的欣賞與教學,(53-57),香港,香港兒童文藝協會。 More Details



Refereed Journal Articles
  • December 2021: “Exploring Hong Kong Youth Culture via a Virtual Reality Tour” with L. Wang. Sustainability 13.23 (2021).
  • June 2021:“The Subversiveness of Laughter: Yang Jiang’s Female Comedy of Manners” 笑的顛覆:楊絳的女性風俗喜劇. Tamkang Journal of Chinese Literature 44 (2021). 305-343.



Book Chapter
  • 2019:“The Merging of Literature and Painting: The Painting of Landscape in Ling Shuhua’s Chinese Fiction” 詩畫交流的藝術體現 — 凌叔華兒童小說的風景畫 in The Appreciation and Teaching of Picture Books for Children. Ed. Song Yirui. Hong Kong: Hong Kong Children’s Arts Society, 2019. 53-57.  



Conference Proceedings
  • June 2019:“Laughing Together: Yang Jiang’s Reception of Jane Austen’s Female Laughter,” 8th Annual International Conference on Language, Literature and Linguistics (L3 2019), Singapore.

Conference Papers


  • Cheung, Alice Hiu Yan (2022, Dec). “From Elopement to Invasion: The Domestic Space of the Female Characters in the Works of Ling Shuhua and Yang Jiang” 由出走到闖入:凌叔華與楊絳女角們的家居空間 Paper presented at the 10th Symposium of Chinese Language Education, Ideology and Culture at National Pingtung University, Pingtung.
  • 張曉恩(2019,12):笑的探尋 —— 楊絳女性風俗喜劇和她的先行者們,第九屆「語文教育與思想文化」研討會,香港。
  • Cheung, Alice Hiu Yan (2019, June). Laughing Together:Yang Jiang's Reception of Jane Austen's Female Laughter. Paper presented at 8th Annual International Conference on Language, Literature and Linguistics (L3 2019), Singapore. More Details