


Internationalization at home: Translating Hong Kong Literature into English
Internationalisation at Home: Translating Hong Kong Literature into English is inspired by the comprehensive theme of “Internationalization at Home” contained in the EdUHK Strategic Plan
2016-2025, and aims to translate a selection of poetry, prose, fiction, and articles collected under the Compendium of Hong Kong Literature 1919-1949 《香港文學大系》 (the Compendium) into
Project Start Year : 2022

Chief Investigator(s) : YIP, Cheuk Wai


大埔文縱──新界東文學推廣計劃 (下稱本計劃)擬對二十世紀初至今大埔文學與文化資料作全面研究,配合編選、展覽與導賞工作。旨在發掘不同時期及類型的重要香
Project Start Year : 2022

Chief Investigator(s) : YIP, Cheuk Wai


Provision of Enhanced Support to Senior Year (SY) and New First-year- first-degree (FYFD) Education-plus Programmes
This project aims to address the specific needs of students of Senior Year (SY) programmes and provide them with enhanced support and learning opportunities during their stay on the programme. Surveys will be conducted to gauge the effectiveness of the provision of support to the respective programmes in different aspects, such as publicity/ programme promotion, faculty/programme-based induction, academic advising, career support, language enhancement, entrepreneurial skills and internship experience.
Project Start Year : 2022

Chief Investigator(s) : LEE, Chi Kin, John, CHENG, May Hung, May, YU, Kwan Wai, Eric, YEUNG, Siu Sze, HUI, King Fai, Sammy, TANG, Yee Fan, Sylvia, CHENG, Wing Yi, Rebecca, LEE, Fung King, Jackie, TSANG, Po Keung, Eric, JIN, Jing, CHEN, Hsueh Chu, LAU, Leung Kwok, Prudence, CHENG, Po Ying, Sidney, CHENG, Chi Keung, Eric, KAM, Wai Keung, Kevin, CHANG, Tsung-chi, Hawk (YIP, Cheuk Wai as Co-Investigator)


Project Start Year : 2022

Chief Investigator(s) : YIP, Cheuk Wai 葉倬瑋


Residence and Hong Kong Literature 1945-1970

Residence and Hong Kong Literature 1945-1970 is a large-scale project, taking the concept of everyday living space into consideration, this project aims to explore the relation between residence and Hong Kong literature from 1945 to 1970.
Project Start Year : 2021

Chief Investigator(s) : YIP, Cheuk Wai 葉倬瑋


Simulation Game of Hong Kong Literature: Production and Promotion in Education Sector

This is a a detective adventure simulation video game (SLG) based on more than 20 thirty-cent novels(San hao zi novels, A genre of pulp fiction that each pulp book was most often priced at HKD30 cents)which were published and widely consumed by the public in the 1950s.
Project Start Year : 2020

Chief Investigator(s) : YIP, Cheuk Wai 葉倬瑋


University Enhancement of ePortfolio for Reflective Learning Phase II
Project Start Year : 2020

Chief Investigator(s) : LEE, Chi Kin John 李子建 ; CHENG, May Hung May 鄭美紅 ; LIM, Cher Ping 林質彬 ; CHEUNG, Lin Hong 張連航 ; TSANG, Po Keung Eric 曾寶強 ; LO,

Tin Yau Joe 羅天佑 ; LEUNG, Pui Wan Pamela 梁佩雲 ; KONG, Siu Cheung 江紹祥   (Dr YIP, Cheuk Wai 葉倬瑋 as Co-Investigator)


A Study of the Thirty Cents Novels in 1950-1960s (1950-1960年代三毫子小說研究計劃)
Project Start Year : 2019

Chief Investigator(s) : CHAN, Chi Tak, YIP, Cheuk Wai


The Luster of Cultural Relics and Self Imagination: A Study on the Phenomena of Adding Textual Research into Poetic Writing in the Qianlong and Jiaqing Period (文物之光與自我想像---清代乾嘉時期的考據入詩現象研究)
Project Start Year : 2019

Chief Investigator(s) : YIP, Cheuk Wai 葉倬瑋


The Compendium of Hong Kong Literature
for Preparation of the Impact Case Study for RAE2020
Project Start Year : 2019

Chief Investigator(s) : CHAN KWOK KOU, LEONARD 陳國球 ; YIP, Cheuk Wai 葉倬瑋


Compendium of Hong Kong Literature 1950-1969
The project is the second series of the Hong Kong literature compendium project. It will be formally launched in 2019 to 2020.
Project Start Year : 2017

Chief Investigator(s) : CHAN KWOK KOU, LEONARD 陳國球 ; YIP, Cheuk Wai 葉倬瑋


本研究利用現有「現地研究」成果,開發針對李商隱詩歌的「現地研究教材」,應用在「LIT3013專家詩」教學上。以電子學習(e-learning)、混成學習(blended learning)原素,促進學生自主學習,提高鑑賞詩歌能力,加深歷史文化認識,最終達到教學成效的提升。
Project Start Year : 2017

Chief Investigator(s) : YIP, Cheuk Wai 葉倬瑋


本研究聚焦於民國時期的古代文學研究,並以個案研究作為主要方法。1917年文學革命後,古代文學不斷受抨擊。然而細察民國時期的古代文學研究,會發現無論在研究視域、目的、方法、抑或採用資源,這時期的古代文學研究都與以往的不同;其中,抒情概念元素的置入與提倡是最為觸目的一處,而這又與新文學背景息息相關。至於李商隱和黃仲則兩位古代詩人,在這段時期廣受關注,並且有大量研究成果。故本研究以之切入,能具體而深入地分析以下問題:1. 1917-1949年的古代文學研究與新文學背景的關係;2. 此時期將「抒情」元素概念置入古代文學研究的方法和意義;3. 此時期的研究成果的現代性與學術史意義。本研究將搜羅、整理和分析這時期的報章副刊、文藝雜誌,出版書刊等相關的文本資料,以論文和專書形式分享研究成果。
Project Start Year : 2016

Chief Investigator(s) : YIP, Cheuk Wai 葉倬瑋


The Reception of Traditional Chinese Literature in the Period of Mingguo (1917-1949): Start from the Research Works of Poetry
This project focuses on the Studies of Classical Chinese Literature in the Mingguo period and uses case studies as the major research method.
Project Start Year : 2015

Chief Investigator(s) : YIP, Cheuk Wai 葉倬瑋