UNESCO Chair in Regional Education Development and Lifelong Learning, The Education University of Hong Kong UNEVOC Network Portal

Research Projects

Research Projects (GRF/ECS)

Dr. LIN Dan as Principal Investigator (PI)

Phonological awareness and reading development in Chinese children: The approach of computer-assisted GraphoGame intervention (2015-2017). HK$ 422,100, funded by Research Grant Council General Research Fund, Grant no: 18404014.

Speech-print awareness in Chinese word reading development (2013-2016). $828,438, funded by Research Grants Council Early Career Scheme, Grant No. HKIEd 845812


Dr. LIU Duo as Principal Investigator (PI)

Principal Investigator, Unfolding the role of morphological awareness in word learning of Chinese children, funded by Research Grant Council, 01/01/2015 – 31/12/2017

Principal Investigator, The association of visual-spatial attention and word reading and reading difficulties in Hong Kong Chinese children: A three-year longitudinal study, funded by Research Grant Council, 01/01/2014 – 31/12/2016


Dr. WONG Tin Yau Terry as Principal Investigator (PI)

Comorbidity between reading and mathematics difficulties: Prevalence and nature of comorbidity (2016-2018), $898,094, funded by Research Grant Council Early Career Scheme.


Dr. YIP Chi Wing Michael as Principal Investigator (PI)

Context Effects and Spoken Word Recognition of Chinese: An Eye-Tracking Study (2014-2016), funded by Research Grant Council General Research Fund.