Message from the President Partnering with Principals for Excellence in Education Four Flagship Projects on HKIEd-School Principals Partnership Mega-brainstorming Session for 1,000 Educators Asia-Pacific Educational Research Association International Conference 2006 HKIEd News Photo Gallery Connected Online - Website Launched for Special Education When “Means Become Ends” Growing Up Among Different Worlds Professor Andy Kirkpatrick Ox-bridge Students from HKIEd Tsang Ngo-yin, Chen Yingjun Experience Transfer From Hong Kong Scholars to Guangxi Educators Voluntary Student Teachers in Hunan Thank You for Your Generous Support Whole Person Education Starts with Hostel Life We Cherish Your Donations Joy of Learning Editorial Committee Student's Artwork
HKIEd Joy of Learning No.1, 2006
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HKIEd Joy of Learning No.2, 2006
Connected Online - Website Launched for Special Education
MRS SIU HAS TWO SONS who are thirteen and sixteen years old. They have been diagnosed as autistic since they were very young. She came back from Canada with her family thirteen years ago, with absolutely no knowledge of the education and services available for children with special educational needs (SENs) in Hong Kong. The lack of information at that time made her search for relevant services a total nightmare. At the recent launch ceremony for the one-stop information service website “Federation In Community Support” initiated by the HKIEd, Mrs Siu shared her bitter experiences, reflecting the crucial need for information support for families who have children with disabilities or SENs.
Partnering with Principals 畢業生榮膺教育界首選
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Despite suffering from learning difficulties, with prolonged loving care and nurturing, Mrs Siu's two sons have managed to demonstrate sports ability by winning numerous medals in races, with the younger boy proficient in figure skating and the elder one in swimming.