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HKIEd Joy of Learning No.1, 2006
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HKIEd Joy of Learning No.2, 2006
Whole Person Education Starts with Hostel Life


An important element of gaining a holistic education is the acquisition of inter-personal and problem-solving skills. This is also part of the basic training for all prospective teachers. To enable students to gain the best out of campus life and to encourage personal development, hostel residence became compulsory for all first-year full-time pre-service students in 2005/2006.

Mrs Yvonne Chan, principal of St Paul's College Primary School, also pointed out the importance of the live-in hostel experience to teacher training, "Living under the same roof makes students learn how to respect and help one another. Making friends of different backgrounds also helps students open their minds and widen their horizons. These experiences is an integral part of the training of professional educators."

Partnering with Principals 畢業生榮膺教育界首選 Research Grants Council Members were impressed by the Institute’s commitment to research and scholarship which have a strong applied dimension to meet the needs of local community.
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Hostel life has made me mature, and I have learnt to care for my future students, as well! Tong Lik-hang, Axel, third-year student in the language degree programme
(Left) Lik-hang (second from right) has been very active in extra-curriculum activities and hostel life, including being a volunteer tutor for RTHK's Tutor Online Programme.