Message from the President Partnering with Principals for Excellence in Education Four Flagship Projects on HKIEd-School Principals Partnership Mega-brainstorming Session for 1,000 Educators Asia-Pacific Educational Research Association International Conference 2006 HKIEd News Photo Gallery Connected Online - Website Launched for Special Education When “Means Become Ends” Growing Up Among Different Worlds Professor Andy Kirkpatrick Ox-bridge Students from HKIEd Tsang Ngo-yin, Chen Yingjun Experience Transfer From Hong Kong Scholars to Guangxi Educators Voluntary Student Teachers in Hunan Thank You for Your Generous Support Whole Person Education Starts with Hostel Life We Cherish Your Donations Joy of Learning Editorial Committee Student's Artwork
HKIEd Joy of Learning No.1, 2006
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HKIEd Joy of Learning No.2, 2006
Thank You for Your Generous Support

The future of education in any society hinges on the commitment of its community. To enhance the quality of education in Hong Kong, the HKIEd has not only worked hand-in-hand with, we have also received strong support from, the many different groups in the community. In the first half of 2006, we received a number of donations from associations, corporations and enterprises in Hong Kong. We are extremely grateful to our many benefactors, without whom we would not be able to launch many of our teaching and learning projects.


Religious and spirituality education jointly supported by five religious groups

Braving the heavy downpour, 150 representatives from some of Hong Kong's most well-known religious groups gathered at HKIEd's campus in the early morning of 27 May. The delegation was made up of their education representatives, as well as principals and teachers from schools run by these organisations. The delegates had gathered to exchange views and their experiences in the carrying out of religious and spirituality education within their schools. This commitment to fostering religious and spiritual principles in education is giving fresh impetus to driving spiritual values in the current education system, which has often been criticised for its over-emphasis on academic results and economic benefits.

During the forum, the participants gave brief introductions on the focal points of the religious, spiritual and moral education practised in their respective schools. As educationalists, they also shared their views on the challenges they faced, in view of the imminent higher-secondary education reform, the pedagogical methods used and their experiences gained from frontline teaching.

Partnering with Principals 畢業生榮膺教育界首選 Research Grants Council Members were impressed by the Institute’s commitment to research and scholarship which have a strong applied dimension to meet the needs of local community.
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