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HKIEd Joy of Learning No.1, 2006
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HKIEd Joy of Learning No.2, 2006
Ox-bridge Students from HKIEd

In Exeter, Ngo-yin was wholly immersed in the cultural environment of England and was amazed by her discovery of the relationship between culture and ways of thinking. "There's always some heated debate between the teacher and the students during class. We had the chance to see many different art forms, dance, drama and musicals. We also went to visit other schools and music organisations after class for observation and interviews, or as audience to their performances." Ngo-yin added.

Having developed a great interest in education research, Ngo-yin reckons that it is the process of research that gives her the greatest satisfaction. "Pleasure is often found in ploughing the fields, rather than reaping the fruits". This saying might very well be a vivid reflection of Ngo-yin's feelings. Early this year, Ngo-yin returned to Hong Kong to collect data for her research. Then she went back to the University of Cambridge in mid-April to complete her Master of Philosophy course. She will return to Exeter in October to start her PhD programme. It is Ngo-yin's hope that she will return to Hong Kong afterwards, to share her research results with the local education sector.

Ngo-yin described herself as just an ordinary student of the HKIEd. Thanks to the dedicated tutors, she was able to embark on a new venture in education research, motivated by her 'interest' and 'initiatives'. Ngo-yin’s advice to fellow HKIEd students is that - they need to be more proactive in setting goals and seeking advice from their tutors. They should also make the best use of the resources available at the Institute and get themselves well-equipped for a future career in education. "If you have a clear target and can uphold it with self-confidence and perseverance, I'm sure you can produce better achievements than me." Ngo-yin remarked.

Partnering with Principals 畢業生榮膺教育界首選 Research Grants Council Members were impressed by the Institute’s commitment to research and scholarship which have a strong applied dimension to meet the needs of local community.
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