


Organising a Warm Data Lab workshop in Dr. Ezechiel Thibaud's Master Course on Life Education and Life-planning Education


Mr. Ludovic Curtil and his assistant Mr. Brent Que came to our LVE6011 to organize a Warm Data Lab workshop. “Warm Data is the relational and transcontextual information about and within the interrelationships that integrate elements of a complex system” (https://www.warmdata.life/). Unlike “cold data”, warm data is defined by its interconnectedness and relations with other concepts and facts. A Warm Data Lab seeks to identify these interconnections through free conversations about various topics, in order to better understand the complexity but also richness of the world we live in.

After a brief presentation of the nature and objectives of the Lab, students were asked to form 8 groups and freely discuss the general following topic: “what is learning in a changing world?”. Each group has to orient the discussion on a particular aspect of this change: technology, education, spirituality, the media, the economy, etc. This workshop sought to encourage students to explore the question through open dialogue and cultivate an inquisitive mindset, recognizing the interconnectedness of the concepts they discussed.

Students were enthusiastic about the experience and expressed very positive feedback. They reported that this workshop gave them the opportunity to discuss important questions in an open and equalitarian manner. Furthermore, many expressed having opened their mind to new perspectives and having greatly benefitted from hearing others’ opinion. This activity was a great way to reflect on the concepts studied in this class, the nature of our changing world, and the role education can play in it.

Written by Dr Ezechiel Thibaud, COIL Facilitator