


主研究员 / 副研究员 研究基金 时期 项目标题
Prof Anatoly OLEKSIYENKO GRF Jan 2020 – Jun 2023 Re-imaging Intellectual Leadership in Post-soviet Higher Education
Dr Lam Chi Ming (PI) / Prof Bob Adamson (Co-I) & Laurance Splitter (Co-I) QEF Sep 2015 – Aug 2018 Philosophy in Schools: Promoting Thinking and English Competence in Hong Kong Students
Dr Margarita Pavlova (Co-I) Non-HK Apr 2018 - Jan 2021 Improving and Enriching the human Capital of Qatar through the Identification and Development of 21st Century Skills for Sustainability and Employability
Dr Margarita Pavlova (PI) EdUHK-PDF Jul 2017 - Oct 2019 Creating an Impact: Setting up a Green Skills Hub at the EdUHK
Dr Weiyan Xiong (PI) ECS Jan 2023 - Dec 2024 Transforming Higher Education Teaching and Learning for Sustainability Competencies: Exploring a Holistic Framework for Hong Kong Public Universities
Prof Liz JACKSON (PI) / Others: Dr Mark HARRISON; Dr Carla BRIFFETT; Dr Emma BUCHTEL; Dr William SIN; Dr LAM Chi Ming; Dr Stephen CHATELIER; Dr Jae PARK; Ms Elke VAN DERMIJNSBRUGGE; Dr WONG Ping Ho & Dr WU Siu Wai Start-up Mar 2021 – Feb 2023 Gratitude and Humility in Education, East Meets West
Dr Margarita Pavlova (Collaborator) Non-HK Dec 2016 - Sep 2019 Training and Adult Education Landscape in Singapore - Characteristics, Challenges and Policies
Dr Margarita Pavlova (PI) GRF Jan 2016 – Jul 2018 Greening Skills in Hong Kong: Effective Partnerships between Vocational Education, Government and Industry to Support the Greening of the Economy
Dr GAO Fang Tina (PI) / Prof LEE Moosung, Prof Christine HALSE; Prof Bob ADAMSON & Dr Miron BHOWMIK (Co-Is) GRF Jan 2020 – June 2022 School-Based Social Capital in Ethnic Minority Students' Progression to Post-Secondary Education in Hong Kong
Dr Margarita Pavlova (Principal Project Supervisor) CRAC Jul 2017 - Oct 2019 Creating an Impact: Setting up a Green Skills Hub at the EdUHK
Dr Gao Fang Tina (Co-I) / Prof Bob Adamson (Co-I) IRG Jun 2016 – Sep 2017 A Multidisciplinary Approach to Investigate Acculturation Orientation and Chinese Language Learning among Ethnic Minorities in Hong Kong: From Assimilation to Comprehensive Cultural-Responsive Strategies
Dr Euan AULD (PI) / Dr LO Yat Wai William (Co-I) PPR Apr 2020 – Nov 2020 校园文化、学生领袖与社会运动︰迈向重构和维系沟通的教育策略
Prof Christine HALSE (PI) / Bidisha BANERJEE; Anita CHAN; SHIU Chi Shing; CHIU Ming Ming; GAO Fang Tina; Jan GUBE; Maxwell HO; Isabella NG & Hayes TANG (Co-Is) PPR Mar 2020 – Sep 2020 Investigating Hong Kong Students' Aspirations for the Future
Dr Park Jae Hyung IRG Jun 2016 – Jun 2017 ’Rap Discourse’: Hip Hop Youth and Seasoned Rap Artists in Hong Kong
Prof Mark MASON (PI) HSSPFS Jan 2022 – Dec 2022 撕裂香港:走出困局的价值、伦理与教育
Dr Euan AULD (PI) / Prof Paul MORRIS (Co-I) EdUHK-BG Mar 2020 – Jul 2021 Toward a Hong Kong Centre for the Study of Education Futures
Prof Christine HALSE (PI) / HUE Ming Tak; Kerry KENNEDY; Daphnee LEE; GAO Fang Tina; Diana KWOK; Anita CHAN; Isabella NG & ZHOU Yanling (Co-Is) EdUHK-BG Jan 2020 – Dec 2022 Diversity, Equity and Social Inclusion Research Group
Dr GAO Fang Tina (PI) / Dr LO Yat Wai William & Mr Ben MULVEY (Co-I) EdUHK-SFG Jan 2020 – Jan 2022 Belt and Road Initiative and the Internationalisation of Higher Education in China: A Case Study of International Students' Perceptions and Experiences in Beijing
Dr Gao Fang Tina (Co-I) UGC TDG Jun 2018 – Aug 2019 Enhancing Learning Engagement and Outcomes through Formative E-Assessment Tasks in the General Education Foundation Course
Dr Gao Fang Tina (Co-I) SCOLAR/LF Jan 2018 - Jan 2020 Supporting Ethnic Minority Students' Chinese Language Learning through Enhancing Extramural Chinese Social Media Use
Dr Gao Fang Tina (Co-I) & Prof Bob Adamson (Co-I) EdUHK RCF Nov 2017 - Nov 2019 Establishing a Research Cluster in the EdUHK for Promoting Research on Multilingual Acquisition and Multilingual Education
GAO Fang (Collaborator) EdUHK TDG Feb 2018 – Jan 2019 Conceptions of Global Citizenship and Teacher Education
Dr ZHAN Ying (PI) / Prof CHIU Ming Ming; Dr YAN Zi; Dr LAM Chi Ming & Dr JIANG Lianjiang (Co-Is) EdUHK RCF Jun 2021 – Jun 2023 When Assessment Meets High-order Thinking (HOT): Building Up a Cluster for Integrating the Research on Assessment and HOT
Dr Park Jae Hyung (Co-I) UGC TDG Aug 2018 – Jul 2019 Empowering BEd (EL) Students with Tools of Curriculum Alignment through Adopting Performance-based Assessment in the Teaching and Learning of Literary Texts
Dr Wu Siu Wai (Co-I) Others Dec 2017 – Dec 2019 Constructing an Interactive Journey for Students' Field Experience Reflection
Prof Liz JACKSON (PI) / Others: Dr Mark HARRISON; Dr Carla BRIFFETT; Dr Emma BUCHTEL; Dr William SIN; Dr LAM Chi Ming; Dr Stephen CHATELIER; Dr Jae PARK; Ms Elke VAN DERMIJNSBRUGGE; Dr WONG Ping Ho & Dr WU Siu Wai Others Mar 2021 – Feb 2023 A Cross-cultural Analysis of Gratitude in Education
Dr Gao Fang Tina (PI) IRG Sep 2017 – Mar 2019 Modelling the Effects of Different Forms of Capital on Post-secondary Education Enrollment: An “Interacting Multiple Capitals” Framework
Prof Mark Mason (PI) Others Jul 2016 – Jun 2019 Complexity Theory, the Capability Approach, and the Sustainability of Educational Development Initiatives
Dr Tam Siu Ling Maureen (PI) RGC Sep 2015 – Aug 2016 Studying time use and the effects of retirement planning, reasons, experiences, and lifelong learning on retirement adjustment and life satisfaction among school teachers in Hong Kong: A longitudinal analysis
Dr Gao Fang Tina (PI) RGC Sep 2015 – Aug 2016 Parental Involvement and Ethnic Minority Students' Enrollment in Four-Year Universities of Hong Kong: A Multidimensional Study on Students' Perceptions
Dr Park Jae Hyung (PI) RGC Sep 2015 – Aug 2016 Chinese Confucius Institutes: Sino-Brazilian Relations and Internationalization of Higher Education
Prof Bob Adamson IRG Oct 2015 – Jun 2016 Bridging the Skills Gap: Innovations in Africa and Asia
Dr Sin Wai Lam William (PI) RGC Sep 2015 – Jun 2016 “Wu Song, Bruce Lee, and the Trolley Problem”
Mr Li Chin Wa IRG Dec 2015 – Jun 2016 Dec 2015 – Jun 2016 Consolidation of Oxfam HK Project: school case reports and implication for teacher training and support
Dr Margarita Pavlova IRG May 2015 – Jun 2016 Benchmarking VET institutions’ engagement with their local region and communities
Dr Gao Fang Tina IRG Jul 2014 – Mar 2016 A Multidisciplinary Approach to Investigate Acculturation Orientation and Chinese Language Learning among Non-Chinese Linguistic Minorities in Hong Kong and China: From Assimilation to Culturally-Responsive Intervention
Dr Gao Fang Tina (PI) IRG Dec 2017 – Jun 2019 From “Additive” to “Multiplicative” Effects of Capital on Post-secondary Education Enrollment in Hong Kong: A Double-informant Investigation across Ethnic Majority and Minority Students
Dr Jae PARK (PI) Non-HK Jan 2020 – Jun 2021 International Science and Evidence Based Education (ISEE) Assessment

QEF Quality Education Fund
IRG Internal Research Grant
GRF General Research Fund
ECS Early Career Scheme
PPR HKSAR Gov't - public Policy Research Funding (PPR) (Special Round)
RGC Support to RGC Projects
HSSPFS HKSAR - Humanities and Social Sciences Prestigious Fellowship Scheme
Start-up Start-up Research Grant
EdUHK-BG EdUHK - Block Grant Faculty Fund
EdUHK TDG EdUHK - Teaching Development Grants
EdUHK-SFG EdUHK - Seed Funding Grant (SFG)
UGC TDG UGC Teaching Development Grants
EdUHK RCF Research Cluster Fund
Others EdUHK Others
EdUHK-PDF President's Development Fund