Dr CHOW Chi Ching Gary
Teaching Adults to Ride a Bike through a Novel Cycling Task:
Differences of Electromyography Activity, Gait and Posture between Bikers and Non-bikers on a Balance Bike
[Seed Funding Grant 2020/21, Committee on Research and Development, EdUHK]Abstract:
A balance bike, a bike without pedals, involves the rider walking or sprinting while sitting on it and is anecdotally regarded as a safe tool for learning to cycle quicker due to a similar balance strategy. It has been adopted to be a transferring skill for learning to cycle. This project aims 1) to investigate the differences of muscle activity and riding kinematics on a balance bike between adults with and without experience in cycling, 2) to investigate whether participating in balance bike training would build those without cycling experience, skills and confidence to cycle in the future, and 3) to examine the changes of muscle activation and hip kinematics of adults without previous cycling experience riding on a balance bike before and after the balance bike training.
Pilot and Feasibility Studies of Applying Remote Assessment in Physical Education
[Active Learning Solutions Limited Donation & Research Matching Grant Scheme, Research Grants Council (RGC), Hong Kong SAR (1:1 Matching Ratio)]
Regarding the new education normal, remote monitoring and assessment in psychomotor performance seem necessary for teachers to evaluate students’ performance and progression. This project will be composed of two stages: validation of a portable newly invented rope and pilot and feasibility studies which determine the short-term effect of the rope on PA and physical fitness. Upon the completion of the pilot project, it is expected that the experience could be adopted to a multi-school clustered setting
EdU Touch Resource Pack-Phase 2
[Knowledge Transfer Fund 2019/20, EdUHK]Abstract:
An open access online education kit (https://sites.google.com/friends.eduhk.hk/eduhktouchkit/) had been launched on 30 Sep 2020. It adopted a video-based teaching resources approach with infographic and simple written description to describe the high-level touch rugby knowledge and related practices. It is the first evidenced-based resource pack for Touch rugby presented in Chinese. Approximately 3.23k visits from 800 different users around the world had been connected with the kit. It provided an easy access resource to PE teachers, coaches and players. In view of the development of the Touch rugby in school and community, it helps to standardize the professional knowledge and terminology in the Chinese Touch community in Hong Kong. The scientific knowledge is also part of the education kit, which aims to nurture the viewers to connect the theory and practice altogether. As Touch Rugby had been adopted in the curriculum of the BEd(PE) programme, this package will serve as a suggested reading in the course.

Movement Pattern of Touch Rugby: Comparison between National Players and Collegiate Players in Small Sized Games
[Start-up Research Grant 2019/20, EdUHK]Abstract:
This study quantified the match-play activity profiles of international touch rugby and different positional physical outputs in comparison with training specificity. Between November 2019 and January 2020, 82 half-matches and 173 training global positioning system data from 16 national male touch rugby players were recorded by global positioning system (GPS). The match-play analysis had been published in academic journal and transferred to be an open access online education kit target to local PE teachers and touch rugby coaches in Hong Kong.