0Educational Provision for
Ethnic Minority in Hong Kong

Legialtion - Education for children of ethnic minorities

09 July 2008
Letter from the Administration conveying the Home Affairs Bureau's view on the amendments of the relevant provisions of the Chinese Temples Ordinance and the Chinese Permanent Cemeteries Ordinance originally proposed in the Bill
Paper No. CB(2)2571/07-08(01)
08 July 2008
Letter dated 7 July 2008 from the Secretary for Constitutional and Mainland Affairs on support measures for ethnic minorities and new arrivals
Paper No. CB(2)2552/07-08(01)
03 July 2008
Administration's views on the Committee Stage amendments to be moved by the Chairman on behalf of the Bills Committee
Paper No. CB(2)2489/07-08(01
Administration's views on the Committee Stage amendments to be moved by the Chairman on behalf of the Bills Committee
Paper No. CB(2)2489/07-08(01)
29 June 2008
A note setting out the views of the French Chamber of Commerce and Industry on the Bill (English version only)
Paper No. CB(2)2325/06-07(01)
26 June 2008

Final draft of the Committee Stage amendments to be moved by the Chairman on behalf of the Bills Committee
Paper No. CB(2)2443/07-08(01)

23 June 2008
Paper entitled "A table of comparison of the provisions of the Race Discrimination Bill with those of the Race Relations Act 1976 of the United Kingdom" prepared by Legal Service Division of the Legislative Council Secretariat
Paper No. LS48/06-07
17 June 2008
Administration's paper on further information on the administrative guidelines on the promotion of racial equality
Paper No. CB(2)2301/07-08(01)
16 June 2008
Submission from Hong Kong Council of Social Service enclosing a joint statement co-signed by non-government organisations and ethnic minorities groups
Paper No.CB(2)2306/07-08(03)
14 June 2008
Draft Committee Stage amendments to be moved by Dr Hon YEUNG Sum
Paper No. CB(2)2251/07-08(02)

Discussion drafts of CSAs prepared by the legal adviser to the Bills Committee
Paper No. LS96/07-08

Administration's response to the outstanding general issues raised by members of the Bills Committee
Paper No. CB(2)2297/07-08(01)
Administration's response to the outstanding general issues on education raised by members of the Bills Committee
Paper No. CB(2)2308/07-08(01)
Administration's response to the outstanding general issues raised by members of the Bills Committee
Paper No. CB(2)2297/07-08(02)
Administration's proposals for Committee Stage Amendments
Paper No. CB(2)2251/07-08(01)
13 June 2008
Joint submission from Hong Kong Christian Institute and Colours in Peace (English version only)
Paper No. CB(2)2306/07-08(01)
Joint submission from Hong Kong Christian Institute and Colours in Peace (English version only)
Paper No. CB(2)2306/07-08(02)
11 June 2008
Discussion draft of the Committee Stage amendments prepared by the legal adviser to the Bills Committee for imposing a general statutory duty on the Government (Revised)
Paper No. CB(2)2153/07-08(01)
Administration's response to views received from deputations/individuals on specific clauses of the Bill
Paper No. CB(2)2152/07-08(01)
Joint submission from Hong Kong Human Rights Monitor and Hong Kong Unison (English version only)
Paper No. CB(2)2255/07-08(01)
Administration's paper on administrative guidelines on promotion of racial equality
Paper No. CB(2)2219/07-08(01)
10 June 2008
Submission from Hong Kong Subsidized Secondary Schools Council
Paper No. CB(2)2206/07-08(01)
06 June 2008
Administration's response to views received from deputations/individuals on specific clauses of the Bill
Paper No. CB(2)2152/07-08(01)
Submission from Equal Opportunities Commission on parts 7, 8 and 9 of the Race Discrimination Bill
Paper No. CB(2)2175/07-08(01)
05 June 2008

Letter dated 30 May 2008 from the Home Affairs Department in reply to a question relating to support for new arrivals from the Mainland raised by the Chairman during the draft Estimates exercise
Paper No. CB(2)2173/07-08(01)

03 June 2008
Administration's paper on race equality scheme
Paper No. CB(2)2121/07-08(03)
List of general issues raised by members of the Bills Committee (as at 30 May 2008)
Paper No. CB(2)2121/07-08(01)
Administration's paper on race equality scheme
Paper No. CB(2)2121/07-08(02)
23 May 2008
Joint submission on mainstreaming racial equality through racial equality plan from Hong Kong Human Rights Monitor and Hong Kong Unison (English version only)
Paper No. CB(2)2108/07-08(01)
Submission on equality plan from Equal Opportunities Commission
Paper No. CB(2)1900/07-08(01)
06 May 2008
Administration's paper on services for new arrivals from the Mainland
Paper No. CB(2)1773/07-08(02)
21 April 2008
Summary of views received from deputations/individuals on specific clauses of the Bill (as at 6 February 2008) prepared by the Legislative Council Secretariat.
Paper No. CB(2)1030/07-08(01)
16 April 2008
Administration's paper on vocational training and interpretation services at hospitals for ethnic minorities
Paper No. CB(2)1385/07-08(01)
Joint submission from Hong Kong Human Rights Monitor and Hong Kong Unison (English version only)
Paper No. CB(2)1628/07-08(01)
Administration's paper on supplementary information in response to questions raised at the bmeeting held on 26 March 2008 .
Paper No. CB(2)1600/07-08(01)
Administration's paper on responses to questions raised on eduation matters.
Paper No. CB(2)1576/07-08(01)
09 April 2008
Summary of views received from deputations/individuals on specific clauses of the Bill (as at 6 February 2008) prepared by the Legislative Council Secretariat.
Paper No. CB(2)1030/07-08(01)
29 March 2008
Submission from Hong Kong Bar Association
Paper No. CB(2)1461/06-07(01)


26 & 12 March 2008


Administration's paper on vocational training and interpretation services at hospitals for ethnic minorities
Paper No. CB(2)1385/07-08(01)
Letter dated 27 February 2008 from Secretary for Constitutional and Mainland Affairs to Chairman of the Bills Committee
Paper No. CB(2)1221/07-08(01)
Report on a delegation organized by the Hong Kong Human Rights Monitor to the United Nations Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination on the Bill provided by Hon Margaret NG
Paper No. CB(2)1301/07-08(01)
Paper provided by the Administration entitled "The Administration's further response to the major issues raised by the Bill Committee ”.
Paper No. CB(2)1292/07-08(01)
Administration's paper on follow up action on outstanding issues concerning education for ethnic minority.
Paper No. CB(2)1200/07-08(01)
Summary of views received from deputations/individuals on specific clauses of the Bill (as at 6 February 2008) prepared by the Legislative Council Secretariat.
Paper No. CB(2)1030/07-08(01)
Administration's paper on progress of support meausres for non-Chinese speaking students including ethnic minority issued for the meeting of the Panel on Education on 29 February 2008 .
Paper No. CB(2)1180/07-08(05)
25 February 2008
Summary of views received from deputations/individuals on specific clauses of the Bill (as at 6 February 2008) prepared by the Legislative Council Secretariat.
Paper No. CB(2)1030/07-08(01)
21 January 2008
Letter dated 18 January 2008 from the Secretary for Constitutional and Mainland Affairs to the Chairman of the Bills Committee
Paper No. CB(2)895/07-08(01)
Revised version of the paper entitiled "Scrutiny progress of the Bill" prepared by the Legislative Council Secreiat.
Paper No. CB(2)2501/06-07(01)
Views received from depitations/individuals on specific clauses of the Bill prepared by the Legislative Council Secretariat.
Paper No. CB(2)160/07-08(01)
List of issues raised by members (as at 1 December 2007) .
Paper No. CB(2)513/07-08(03)
13 January 2008
Summary of views received from deputations/individuals on specific clauses of the Bill (as at 6 February 2008) prepared by the Legislative Council Secretariat.
Paper No. CB(2)1030/07-08(01)
10 January 2008
Revised version of the paper entitiled "Scrutiny progress of the Bill" prepared by the Legislative Council Secreiat.
Paper No. CB(2)2501/06-07(01)
Submission on the discussion drafts of Committee Stage amendments prepared by the legal adviser to the Bill Committee from Civic Party (English Version only) .
Paper No. CB(2)783/07-08(04)
Submission on the discussion drafts of Committee Stage amendments prepared by the legal adviser to the Bill Committee from Colour in Peace (English Version only) .
Paper No. CB(2)798/07-08(05)
Submission on the discussion drafts of Committee Stage amendments prepared by the legal adviser to the Bill Committee from Mrs Patrick Yui (English Version only) .
Paper No. CB(2)783/07-08(03)
Submission on the discussion drafts of Committee Stage amendments prepared by the legal adviser to the Bill Committee from Mr Y K Chong (English Version only) .
Paper No. CB(2)759/07-08(04)
Submission on the discussion drafts of Committee Stage amendments prepared by the legal adviser to the Bill Committee from YMCA of Hong Kong Cheung Sha Wan Centre (English Version only) .
Paper No. CB(2)798/07-08(08)
Submission on the discussion drafts of Committee Stage amendments prepared by the legal adviser to the Bill Committee from Christian Action (English Version only) .
Paper No. CB(2)783/07-08(01)



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