Educational Provision for
Ethnic Minority in Hong Kong

Legislation - Legislating Against Racial Discrimination 2008

11 June 2008
Joint submission from Hong Kong Human Rights Monitor and Hong Kong Unison (English version only)
Paper No. CB(2)2255/07-08(01)
26 March 2008
Report on a delegation organized by the Hong Kong Human Rights Monitor to the United Nations Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination on the Bill provided by Hon Margaret NG
Paper No. CB(2)1301/07-08(01)
10 Janunary 2008
Submission on the discussion drafts of Committee Stage amendments prepared by the legal adviser to the Bills Committee from Colours in Peace (English version only)
Paper No. CB(2)798/07-08(05)
Submission on the discussion drafts of Committee Stage amendments prepared by the legal adviser to the Bills Committee from YMCA of Hong Kong Cheung Sha Wan Centre (English version only)
Paper No. CB(2)798/07-08(08)
Submission on the discussion drafts of Committee Stage amendments prepared by the legal adviser to the Bills Committee from Equal Opportunities Commission
Paper No. CB(2)759/07-08(04)





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