

Mr Chong Yiu Kwong

Mr Chong Yiu Kwong discuss policy of sexual harassment in institutions

Mr Chong Yiu Kwong, Senior Lecturer II at EPL, has attended the Annual Gender Roles Workshop 2018 - Sexual Harassment in Institutions. The workshop aims to raise awareness of sexual harassment in society and promotes the anti-sexual harassmen policy in different environments.

Mr Chong thinks that statistics is one of the important means to raise the public concern, but there is a dilemma that the types of sexual harassment report cases accepted by Education Bureau are not comprehensive. The effectiveness of the current policy in institutions should be reflected.

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Mr Chong Yiu Kwong discuss teachers' code consultation paper(2.3.5 Anonymous complaint 匿名投訴)

Mr Chong-Yiu Kwong was interviewed as a senior Lecturer of EdUHK by RTHK radio program (自由風自由phone) host by Fung Tak Hung and Tang Fei on teachers' code consultation paper (2.3.5 Anonymous complaint 匿名投訴) 7:45-8pm on 21 June 2018.

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Mr HO Chun Sing Maxwell

Survey on Hong Kong’s Business Education

According to the latest survey conducted by The Education University of Hong Kong (EdUHK), business education in Hong Kong at the secondary level in general does not equip students to cater for the needs of Hong Kong industry.

Mr Ho Chun Sing, Lecturer I at EPL, said there was concern that this may constrain the personal growth of local students and the long-term economic development of Hong Kong. Even though students have a good grasp of business knowledge, it is essential for them to turn theory into practice, and teachers play an important role here.

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EdUHK's survey finds 60% secondary school students are penniless by month-end

Some Local dailies reported that the Department of Education Policy and Leadership (EPL) of the EdUHK has teamed up with HKEJ to conduct a survey on teenagers’ financial knowledge, behavior and attitude. The survey finds that among the 1,270 secondary school students aged between 15 and 19 polled, 90% of them understand the importance of prudent financial management, but nearly 60% once overspent their pocket money and close to one third of them are penniless by month-end.

Meanwhile, Mr Ho Chun Sing, Lecturer I at EPL, said the survey result shows that secondary school students have notions of wealth management and are adequately informed about financial issues, but they are not resolute enough to manage wealth.

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Mr Maxwell HO urges education sector to fight for medical welfare for teachers

In a contributed article to HK01 Newspaper, Mr Ho Chun Sing, Lecturer I at EPL, said that teachers usually fall ill on holidays, and dare not take sick leave lest they will have to catch up with the course schedule later or ask other teachers to take over classes for them. Mr Ho urged the education sector to fight for medical welfare for teachers.

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