


Our department is Hong Kong’s prime hub for world-class research and teaching in educational policy and leadership. This exceptional capacity has been shaped over the past fifteen years by our tireless faculty members, who masterfully harnessed irresistible global forces: increasingly digitalized and internationalized knowledge, accelerated cross-border mobility, and multiculturally integrated labour and learning markets. With the world of education changing rapidly, EPL remains committed to innovative thinking and practice, helping leaders of modern schools, colleges and universities to cultivate versatile talents, a resilient workforce, and responsible citizenship.


Our faculty is internationally renowned for their contributions to a wide array of research areas, including inclusive and intellectual leadership, principalship and educational administration, school improvement and innovation, teacher resilience and self-efficacy, professional agency and autonomy,  performance and well-being, international schools, international student mobility, intercultural learning, multicultural classrooms and ethnic minorities, student leadership and engagement, academic profession and higher education, world-class universities and international research collaborations. We are proud of the scope of our research expertise and ability to facilitate impactful dialogue on education transformations in the region and beyond. In Hong Kong, EPL has the largest research team, including doctoral students, investigating educational leadership dilemmas across primary, secondary and tertiary levels.


Our scholarship paves the way for outstanding teaching and professional development programs, helping emerging and established head teachers, school principals, and college managers to enhance their competence in facilitating change and inclusive innovation. Exceptional learning experiences are also provided by our BSc in Executive Management and Executive MA in International Educational Leadership and Change. Our undergraduate and postgraduate programs menu has been growing over the past few years, as we are eager to satisfy the growing demand for improved schools, learning communities, and professional groups.


Successful programs and projects often become possible with the generous and dedicated engagement of our partnering schools, foundations and educational associations in Hong Kong, as well as international partners such as the International Baccalaureate and Cambridge Assessment International Education. Our faculty members advance organisational and learning methodologies in collaboration with colleagues from Durham University, the University of Bristol, the University of Southampton and the University of Manchester in the UK, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam in the Netherlands, Tampere University in Finland, Bogazici University in Turkey, and Teachers College at Columbia University, the University of Missouri and he University of California in Berkeley in the USA. In East Asia, we sustain productive relationships with colleagues in Korea and Taiwan and have been intensifying student exchanges and collaborative work with our partner institutions in mainland China: Peking University, East China Normal University, and Tongji University, among others. Our scholars also actively contribute to the EdUHK research centres:  Asia Pacific Centre for Leadership and Change (APCLC), the Centre for Higher Education Leadership and Policy Studies (CHELPS), and the Global Research Institute for Finnish Education (GRIFE).


In partnership with ambitious institutions at home and abroad, we aspire to create an environment for profound inquiry and learning in order to nurture diversity, intercultural understanding, respectful engagement and global responsibility. We collaborate with colleagues and communities that pursue and contribute to sustainable development goals through improved quality education and good governance in knowledge-making and learning milieus. By advancing education leadership and policy studies in Hong Kong, China and the world, we aspire to enhance boundary-crossing learning, enrich scholarship and advance best practices in the field. I kindly invite you to work together to help each other improve our educational institutions and learning communities.

Professor Anatoly V. Oleksiyenko
Acting Head
Department of Education Policy and Leadership