This is an activity developed by Tamarah Ashton (MERLOT).
According to the author, ¡§The main piece of special education legislation, IDEA, is often cumbersome to discuss with parents. This assignment explores other avenues of providing this information to parents.¡¨
[Remarks: The learning objective and tasks are extracted from the original text, but the website of IDEA Practices was replaced withCouncil for Exceptional Children]
Learning objective: To learn the basic concepts of IDEA that need to be conveyed to parents.
Imagine that you are sitting at an IEP meeting as the special education teacher and you are attempting to cover the basic elements of IDEA with parents who are new to you.
What specific areas might you tell them to investigate at this site?
Managing Diversity
This activity can be used independently or integrated with other activity, for example, conceptual learning [Please refer to relevant file]
Individual work or group work
Resources needed
Online source as the one in previous slide
Others to be determined
To be determined by the pre-service teachers
To be determined by both the instructor or the pre-service teachers
To choose from the list used in Professional Development