OBL Implementation

OBL Implementation in English Department
Sep 08
Conducted literature review on Outcomes Based Learning
Designed questionnaire to survey school principals, English Panelchairs and experienced English teachers on their views of the expected qualities of HKIEd English major graduates
Oct 08
1st visit of Professor Tony Liddicoat, the OBL project consultant (Oct. 13 – 17, 2008).
Organized a seminar for colleagues on “Outcomes based learning: Issues and Implications” conducted by Prof. Liddicoat on Oct. 15. The presentation was videotaped and the video clip was made available online together with the PowerPoint file.
Prof. Liddicoat looked at the B.Ed (EL) programme outline and the outlines of all the modules offered in the programme, and came up with a list of possible programme level outcomes.
Finalized the questionnaire for finding out the expected qualities of freshly graduated English Language teachers.
Nov 08
Mailed out 500 copies of questionnaires to 100 schools (50 Primary and 50 Secondary) in HK and respondents from each school included School Principal, English Panelchairs and Experienced English Teachers
Made phone calls to school principals & English Panelchairs to do the follow-up work and collected the returned questionnaires.
Dec 08
Received 295 copies of questionnaires from 84 responding schools (42 secondary and 42 primary schools) and conducted data analysis.
Drafted the Generic Outcomes as required by the Institute, based on literature review and were linked to the institute’s 4C’s learning framework. Every member of ENG was strongly requested to send comments to this list before its submission to the Institute.
Jan 09
Finalized the survey report and the findings of the survey mostly aligned with the existing Programme Aims of B.Ed (EL) Programme The results were used to inform the design of the English subject learning outcomes for the B.Ed (EL) programme.
Sent the draft Generic Outcomes to department colleagues twice for comments and revisions were made based on the received comments from the colleagues.
Drafted the English Subject Learning Outcomes based on :
i)                   Literature review of learning outcomes for English major programmes in different universities around the world;
ii)                 The existing programme aims of the B.Ed (EL) Programme;
iii)               Prof. Liddicoat’s list of possible programme level learning outcomes;
iv)               Results of the OBL survey.
Feb 09
Finalized the Generic Outcomes and submitted to the Institute before the end of February 2009 as scheduled.
Feb 09
Tried out a sample of the Module Outline with Module Intended Learning Outcomes, using the provided module outline template. The
Module that was tried out was “Introduction to Language Studies” of the B.Ed (English Language ) Programme.
Mar 09
Met the OBL consultants from Alverno College on 3 Mar 09 and sought their advice on our draft English Subject Learning Outcomes and the sample Module outline.
Revised the draft English Subject Learning Outcomes (ESLOs) based on the advice of the OBL consultants from Alverno College.
Mapped the English Subject Learning Outcomes onto the B.Ed (EL) Modules.
Refined the sample OBL module outline: “Introduction to Language Studies”, based on the advice of the Consultants from Alverno College.
Designed Assessment Activities/Tasks to align with the Module Intended Learning Outcomes (MILOs) of the sample module outline.
Apr 09
Set up a website for the OBL Project.
2nd visit of Professor Tony Liddicoat, the OBL project consultant (Apr. 12 – 18, 2009).
Organized a seminar for colleagues on “Outcomes Based Learning” co-conducted by Prof. Liddicoat and Dr. Wang Lixun on Apr. 16. The presentation was videotaped and the video clip was made available on the OBL Project website together with the PowerPoint file.
Revised the draft English Subject Learning Outcomes based on
 Prof. Liddicoat’s advice.
Refined the sample OBL module outline based on Prof. Liddicoat’s advice.
May 09
Three modules for pilot study was decided:
1.     Introduction to Language Studies
2.     Vocabulary Studies
3.     Secondary ELT methods 1: Developing Oracy Skills
Mapped the English Subject Learning Outcomes (ESLOs) onto the Institutional Generic Outcomes.
Dr. Wang Lixun, the OBL project principal supervisor, was invited to be one of the speakers from the Institute at the OBL Symposium held at the Hong Kong Polytechnic University on May 27 2009.
Dr. Wang shared his experience in “Designing Outcomes Based Module” with the participants.
Jun 09
Dr. Wang Lixun gave a presentation on the OBL Project at the Staff Retreat of the English Department on Jun 26 09, focusing on how to map ESLOs onto the Modules, and how to design MILOs and assessment tasks to align with the MILOs.
Jul 09
The course coordinators of the courses offered in the first semester of 2009-2010 were asked to map the POs onto their courses.
Aug 09
Finalized the modules for pilot study:
1st semester, 2009-2010
1.     Introduction to Language Studies
2.     Vocabulary Studies
2nd semester, 2009-2010
3.     Introduction to Literacy Studies I
4.     Secondary ELT methods 1: Developing Oracy Skills
Aug 09
Dr. Wang Lixun had meetings with the newly launched BA (Hons.) (Language Studies) programme team and helped refining the Degree Learning Outcomes (DLOs) and the English Subject Learning Outcomes (ESLOs). Also, Dr. Wang reviewed more than 30 course outlines of the newly launched BA (Hons.) (Language Studies) programme.
Dr. Wang reviewed the course outline and 5 module outlines for the PDC on TESOL Pedagogy Training for Secondary School Teachers.
Sep 09
The pilot study of the 1st semester of 2009-2010 commenced.
3nd visit of Professor Tony Liddicoat, the OBL project consultant (Sep. 20 – 26, 2009).
Organized a seminar for colleagues on “Outcomes Based Learning: Assessing Using Outcomes” conducted by Prof. Liddicoat on Sep 23. The presentation was videotaped and the video clip was made available on the OBL Project website together with the PowerPoint file.
Finalized the B.Ed (EL) Programme Learning Outcomes (POs) based on Prof. Liddicoat’s advice.
Finalized the pilot module outlines of “Introduction to Language Studies” & “Vocabulary Studies” in Fall 2009, including the rubrics for assessment criteria of the assessment tasks, based on Prof. Liddicoat’s advice.
Completed the mapping of the POs onto the courses of B.Ed (EL) programme offered in the first semester.
Oct 09
According to the OBL Unit, Programme Learning Outcomes (POs) should be used instead of the Subject Learning Outcomes.
Finalized the module outlines of “Introduction to Literacy Studies I: Poetry, Drama, Fiction” & “Secondary ELT methods 1: Developing Oracy Skills” (the pilot modules for the 2nd semester of 2009-2010), including the Rubrics of the assessment tasks, based on Prof. Liddicoat’s advice.
The Mid-Module Evaluation on the pilot module “Introduction to Language Studies” was conducted and the report on the data analysis was compiled.
Dr. Wendy Lam agreed to pilot OBL-based e-Portfolio in her module ENG2257 in the second semester.
Nov 09
The Programme Learning Outcomes (POs) for the BEd(EL) programme was finalized after consultation with OBL consultant Prof. Liddicoat and the BEd(EL) programme team. There are 9 outcomes in total, with 3 outcomes under 3 different categories: Subject Knowledge, Subject Professional Knowledge, and General Characteristics.
The course coordinators of the courses offered in the second semester of 2009-2010 were asked to map the POs onto their courses.
The English Department OBL project was scheduled to end on 31 Dec. 2009. As there was still some budget left, the OBL project team had applied for extension of the current project, and hope to invite the OBL consultant Prof. Liddicoat back for more consultation work in the coming year.
Nov 09
For the two modules selected for the pilot study in the Spring 2010 semester, both module coordinators Dr Wendy Lam and Dr Aaron Koh revised their module outlines (ENG 1247 and ENG2257) using the Institute’s OBL module outline template, and after consultation with the OBL team and the OBL consultant Prof. Liddicoat, the outlines and the more detailed teaching and assessment plans were drafted and refined. Module Intended Learning Outcomes (MILOs) which map with the Programme Learning Outcomes were also finalized, and assessment tasks aligned with the MILOs.
Dr Wendy Lam started working with the OBL Unit on the preparation of piloting e-Portfolio in her module ENG2257 in Spring 2010.
Dec 09
Dr. Wang Lixun, the OBL project principal supervisor, was invited to be one of the speakers from the Institute at the OBL Symposium held at the Hong Kong Polytechnic University on December 14 2009.
Dr. Wang shared his experience in “Challenges in Developing Learning Outcomes for Undergraduate Learning Programmes: Experienced in the English Subject” with the participants.
The End-of-course Evaluation on the pilot module “Introduction to Language Studies” was conducted and the report on the data analysis was compiled by the OBL Unit.
Jan 10
Completed the mapping of POs onto the courses of the B.Ed (EL) programme.
The Institute approved the completion date (originally 31 Dec. 2009) of the English Department OBL project be extended to 30 June 2011, and the remaining budget would support two more visits from our OBL consultant Prof. Liddicoat (June 2010 and Spring 2011).
Dr. Wang Lixun presented a paper “Implementing Outcomes-Based Learning in an Undergraduate English Education Programme” at the “2010 Hawaii International Conference on Education” on January 10 2010.
The pilot study of the 2nd semester of 2009-2010 commenced.
Feb 10
Dr. Wang Lixun shared his experience of piloting OBL in his course ‘Introduction to Language Studies’ in the Fall Semester 2009 at a sharing session organized by the Institute on February 4 2010.
Dr. Wang Lixun shared English Department’s experiences in developing Programme Outcomes and Curriculum Mapping at a sharing session organized for Associate Deans, programme leaders and coordinators from all the faculties on February 10 2010.
A number of colleagues agreed to start revising their course outlines using the OBL course outline template this semester under the guidance of the Department OBL team.
Mar 10
Dr. Wang Lixun sent an email and relevant information/documents to those colleagues who had promised to start revising their course outlines using the OBL course outline template. The deadline for submission of the draft course outlines was May 20 2010.
Apr-Jun 10
6 tutors revised 11 course outlines, using the OBL course outline template.
Jun 10 The OBL consultnat, Prof. Liddicoat, paid his fourth visit to the Department from 21 June to 25 June 2010. During his visit, he met with and gave advice to the tutors who had revised their course outlines so that the tutors could refine the draft course outlines.
Jul - Aug 10 The course coordinators of the BEd (EL) programme in the first semester of 2010-2011 reviewed their OBL course outlines.
Sep - Dec 10 Three course tutors conducted the formal OBL pilot in their courses while the others conducted the informal one.
22 Sep 10
Dr. Wang Lixun and Dr Wendy Lam who had previously piloted OBL courses shared their experiences and insights of the OBL approach in teaching and learning in the 1st FLAN OBL Sharing Seminar.
Nov - Dec 10 The course coordinators of the second semester reviewed thier OBL course outlines.
Jan - May 11

16 course tutors piloted 17 OBL courses in the second semester, during which the students had to fill in the Mid-course and End-of-course Evaluation forms in the middle and at the second last session of the course and the tutors would fill in the 'Reflection Form' after the submission of course grades.

The SRA of the OBL project helped the pilot course tutors to conduct the survey data analysis and compile the data analyasis reports.

March 11 

 In preparation for the BEd 5-year programme, colleagues in the department had to review the existing course outlines.

For courses in OBL format: colleagues reviewed the course outlines to confirm that they were the final versions to go into the 5-year programme.

For courses not in OBL format: colleagues changed the course outlines into OBL format and reviewed the course outlines to confirm that they were the final versions to go into the 5-year programme.

April 11 

Our OBL consultant, Prof Tony Liddicoat, paid his fifth visit to us from 11 April to 15 April 2011. During his visit, he

1. co-conducted the seminar "Implementing Outcome-Based Learning (OBL) at Course Level in the English Department" with Lixun on 13 April from 4 pm to 530 pm.

2. reviewed 25 newly revised OBL course outlines for 334/335 BEd (EL) Programme.

3. had 10 face-to-face consultation sessions with colleagues to give comments to refine their newly revised OBL course outlines. As for those who could not attend the consultation sessions, Prof Liddicoat wrote down his comments on individual course outlines so that the colleagues could do the follow up.

May 11  The OBL team conducted 6 OBL Focus Group Interviews with 33 students from Year 1 to Year 4 to collect their feedback on OBL approach in teaching and learning in general in order to enhance the teaching and learning quality in FLAN.
June 11 

Colleagues who had piloted OBL courses in the 2nd semester were asked to fill in the tutor's "Reflection Form' which would inform the future adjustment of teaching in their courses in order to enhance the quality of teaching and learning.

The OBL team invited colleagues who had piloted OBL courses in the 2nd semester to attend the OBL Interviews with teachers on voluntary basis. Finally, 6 colleagues attended the interviews and we could collect their feedback on the OBL approach in teaching and learning in general in order to enhance teaching and learning quality in FLAN.

Jul - Aug 11 The course coordinators of the BEd (EL) programme in the first semester of 2011-2012 reviewed their OBL course outlines.
Sep - Dec 11

4 course tutors conducted the formal OBL pilot in the first semester, during which the students had to fill in the Mid-course and End-of-course Evaluation forms in the middle and at the second last session of the course and the tutors would fill in the 'Reflection Form' after the submission of course grades.

The SRA of the OBL project helped the pilot course tutors to conduct the survey data analysis and compile the data analyasis reports.

21 Sep 11
Prof. David Li and Dr Hawk Chang who had previously piloted OBL courses shared their experiences and insights of the OBL approach in teaching and learning in the 2nd FLAN OBL Sharing Seminar.
Nov - Dec 11 The course coordinators of the second semester reviewed thier OBL course outlines.
Jan - May 12

6 course tutors piloted OBL courses in the second semester, during which the students had to fill in the Mid-course and End-of-course Evaluation forms in the middle and at the second last session of the course and the tutors would fill in the 'Reflection Form' after the submission of course grades.

The SRA of the OBL project helped the pilot course tutors to conduct the survey data analysis and compile the data analyasis reports.

June 12 

Pilot course tutors filled in the Teacher's Reflection Form

End of OBL Project