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Professor John Lee Chi-Kin Visits UNESCO HQ to Discuss Future Educational Development

In a step towards fostering global educational cooperation, Professor John Lee Chi-Kin, President of The Education University of Hong Kong (EdUHK) and UNESCO Chair in Regional Education Development and Lifelong Learning, visited the UNESCO headquarters in Paris in June.

Professor Lee met with Ambassador Ms Xinyu Yang, Permanent Delegate of the People's Republic of China to UNESCO on 12 June. This meeting highlighted the collaborative efforts and priorities of China in UNESCO's comprehensive agenda, and Ms Yang provided insights on how EdUHK could uniquely contribute to these initiatives. Discussions also covered the alignment of EdUHK’s development strategies with the capacity building goals under the UNESCO umbrella, reinforcing the University's role in talent development in Hong Kong and across the region.

Further emphasising the University's commitment to knowledge innovation, Professor Lee convened with Mr Sobhi Tawil, Director of the Future of Learning and Innovation at UNESCO and his team, on 14 June. Their discussion focused on the potential for a gathering of minds across the Asia Pacific to spearhead innovations in knowledge for future generations. This meeting underscored EdUHK’s dedication to leading conversations around future-oriented knowledge.

Professor Lee’s meetings with key UNESCO figures highlighted the University’s dedication to knowledge innovation, and pave the way for EdUHK and UNESCO regional and international collaboration in educational development and lifelong learning.