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Opening of EdUHK North Point Study Centre

The Education University of Hong Kong (EdUHK) held an opening ceremony for the North Point Study Centre on 26 September 2023, which will provide additional and convenient learning space for staff and students.


The seven-storey study centre – with approximately 3,700 square metres in gross floor area – was formerly a primary school premises. The converted study centre houses 12 classrooms of various sizes with multi-media equipment, an executive conference room, a learning commons, and a lecture theatre which can accommodate over 100 people. An elevator and barrier-free passageways have been purposely installed to enhance accessibility.


The centre also includes an AI education laboratory, which is open to in-service teachers and related stakeholders for training courses. It is set to become a base for promoting AI literacy in the community. Taking inspiration from the colours of the University’s logo, the building exterior walls are adorned with vibrant orange and green.