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16th Congregation (2010)

Honorary Doctors
  • Dr Ela Ramesh Bhatt (白綺娜博士)
  • Dr Ann Hui On-wah (許鞍華博士), BBS
  • Professor Sharon Lynn Kagan (祈雪蓮教授)
  • Professor Victor Henry Mair (梅維恒教授)
Ceremony details

2nd Honorary Fellowship Presentation Ceremony (2010)

Honorary Fellows
  • Dr Anthony Chow Wing-kin (周永健博士), SBS, JP
  • Ms Barbara Fei (費明儀女士), SBS
  • Mr Ho Siu-lun (何兆倫先生)
  • Dr Joseph Kwong Kai-to (鄺啟濤博士), MH
  • Mr Chien Lee (利乾先生)
  • Mrs Mak Chen Wen-ning (麥陳尹玲女士), BBS
  • Mrs Rita Mansukhani Au Hay-lun (文區熙倫女士), MH
  • Mr Wong Kam-po (黃金寶先生), SBS, MH
Ceremony details

15th Congregation (2009)

Honorary Doctors
  • Professor Kwong Chiu Lee Dow (李光昭教授)
  • Professor Yan Liangkun (嚴良堃教授)
Ceremony details

1st Honorary Fellowship Presentation Ceremony (2009)

Honorary Fellows
  • Mr Chu Pu-sun (A Nong) (朱溥生先生(阿濃))
  • Mr Stephen Hui Chin-yim (許俊炎先生), MH
  • Mr Peter Lee Ting-chang (利定昌先生)
  • Mr Leo Lu Kwong-fai (盧光輝先生)
Ceremony details

14th Congregation (2008)

Honorary Doctors
  • The Reverend Father Alfred J. Deignan S.J. (狄恆神父)
  • Professor Michael A.K. Halliday (韓禮德教授)
  • Professor Lu Jie (魯潔教授)
  • Professor Max van Manen (范梅南教授)
Ceremony details