International Tutors Share Fun Ways to Learn English
When you walk into Arthur Samy Language Learning Centre (ASLLC) at The Education University of Hong Kong (EdUHK) this fall, you will see a few new faces next to the signature graffiti glass at the entrance. They are this year’s International Tutors, from Mexico, Morocco, Sweden and the US, who are here to help create a fun learning environment at the University for students to improve their English, and to enrich their cultural sensitivity and understanding.

Dr Ronnel B. King Recognised for Research Contributions in Social Psychology
Dr Ronnel B. King, Assistant Professor at the Department of Curriculum and Instruction, The Education University of Hong Kong, was presented with the Michael Harris Bond Early Career Award on 13 July 2019 by the Asian Association of Social Psychology. This award is given to early career researchers who have made significant contributions to Asian social psychology.

HK$18 Million Donation Received for Special Education Needs Project
The Centre for Special Educational Needs and Inclusive Education (CSENIE) at The Education University of Hong Kong has received a donation of HK$18 million from The Hong Kong Jockey Club Charities Trust in support of a project for lifelong learning of school leavers with special education needs (SEN) in the coming three years.

Prof Wong Ming Hung Ranked as the World’s Most-cited Chinese Environmental Scientist
According to information provided by Scopus (covering total citation number, H-index, coauthorship-adjusted Schreiber hm-index, etc.), Stanford University has released in August a list of the “Top-100,000-ranked scientists” among the nearly seven million scholars in the world.

EdUHK to Confer Honorary Doctorates on Distinguished Individuals
The Education University of Hong Kong (EdUHK) will confer honorary doctorates on two distinguished individuals at the Congregation on 22 November 2019 (Friday), in recognition of the significant contributions they have made in their respective fields in advancing education and inspiring the next generation.