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Leader's Dialogue on Teacher Professional Conduct

The Education University of Hong Kong (EdUHK) invited Principal Assistant Secretary Ms Lee Wai-ping and Chief Professional Development Officer Mr Locto Tang of the Education Bureau, and Mr Poon Kai-cheung, Principal of Hong Kong Red Swastika Society Tai Po Secondary School, to deliver a seminar on ‘Teachers’ Professional Conduct’ on its Tai Po campus on 16 February 2023. Around 200 staff members and students attended the event.


The seminar comprised five sessions. Firstly, Mr Poon shared his experience of schools. This was followed by a discussion with Mr Tang on different teaching scenarios. The third session was conducted by Ms Lee, who gave a talk entitled ‘Guidelines on Teachers' Professional Conduct’. Professor Sylvia Tang Yee-fan, Associate Dean (Learning and Teaching) at the Faculty of Education and Human Development concluded the event before a Q&A session. 


During the seminar, the guest speakers encouraged students to maintain their enthusiasm for teaching, positively affirm their students and be self-reflective. They also advised students to uphold high moral standards and the teachers’ professional code of conduct, and pursue excellence in professional development.


Professor John Lee Chi-kin, Vice President (Academic) and Provost said, “EdUHK is committed to nurturing professional educators. This seminar offers an opportunity for our students to understand the professional roles and responsibilities of teachers, so as to equip them to become educators with a sense of dedication and responsibility.”


Ms Lee Wai-ping, Principal Assistant Secretary (Professional Development & Training) of the Education Bureau
Ms Lee Wai-ping, Principal Assistant Secretary (Professional Development & Training) of the Education Bureau
Mr Locto Tang, Chief Professional Development Officer (School Leadership and Professional Development Section) of the Education Bureau
Mr Locto Tang, Chief Professional Development Officer (School Leadership and Professional Development Section) of the Education Bureau
Mr Poon Kai-cheung, Principal of Hong Kong Red Swastika Society Tai Po Secondary School
Mr Poon Kai-cheung, Principal of Hong Kong Red Swastika Society Tai Po Secondary School
Professor John Lee Chi-kin, the Vice President (Academic) and Provost presents souvenirs to Ms Lee
Professor John Lee Chi-kin, the Vice President (Academic) and Provost presents souvenirs to Ms Lee
Professor John Lee and the guest speakers
Professor John Lee and the guest speakers