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International Conference on Learning and Teaching 2020

On 4 December 2020, the Postgraduate Session of the International Conference on Learning and Teaching 2020 was held by the Graduate School (GS) and the Centre for Learning, Teaching and Technology at The Education University of Hong Kong (EdUHK). Joined by 100 participants from other higher education institutions in Hong Kong and around Asia, the online conference began with welcoming remarks from Professor Lo Sing-kai, Associate Vice President (Assessment), Associate Vice President (Graduate Studies) and Dean of GS. 


Professor Chan Chetwyn, Associate Vice President (Learning and Teaching) of Hong Kong Polytechnic University, was the first to take the stage with his keynote presentation “Evidence-based Quality Enhancement in Learning and Teaching”, touching on how to collect different types of data related to day-to-day operations in higher education institutions. Two cases studies, a learning space design project and a senior year student admission project, were undertaken to demonstrate the usefulness of data for initiating the enhancement of learning. 


The next keynote session, titled “Learning and Teaching Scientific Argumentation”, was presented by Professor Yang Fang-ying, Chair Professor of the Graduate Institute of Science Education at National Taiwan Normal University. The presentation discussed the need to include scientific argumentation in science classrooms from both theoretical and practical perspectives; and argued that learning and teaching science argumentation need to take learners' cognitive traits into consideration.


Three research students at EdUHK were also invited to share their thoughts on learning and teaching. Ms Su Fan, a doctoral student in education, articulated how to use the flipped classroom to improve students’ English writing. Mr Norman Mendoza, a doctoral student in philosophy, scaffolded how self-assessment practices and autonomy supportive teachers may make reflective students. Another doctoral student in philosophy Ms Chia Hui-min presented her research on the values perspective for learning and teaching in the 21st century. 


The last session was an open forum led by Dr John Trent, Associate Dean (Quality Assurance & Enhancement) of GS. Professor Chan Chetwyn and Professor Yang Fang-ying returned on the virtual stage as panelists. The dynamic interaction between the panelists and the audience helped deepen the understanding of each topic that was previously presented. The panelists concluded with unanimous agreement that learning and teaching are challenging but meaningful work. They looked to the future and hoped that everyone would continue their efforts in exploring this topic and could one day meet in person to share more experiences, research and insights.

Mixed-mode group photo at the beginning of the conference
Mixed-mode group photo at the beginning of the conference
Professor Chan Chetwyn delivers his keynote speech via Zoom
Professor Chan Chetwyn delivers his keynote speech via Zoom
Professor Yang Fang-ying delivers the second keynote speech
Professor Yang Fang-ying delivers the second keynote speech
Emcee Mr Norman Mendoza was also one of the presenters
Emcee Mr Norman Mendoza was also one of the presenters