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China Media Group Interviews EdUHK President Professor John Lee Chi-Kin

In an exclusive interview to the China Media Group, Professor John Lee Chi-Kin, President of The Education University of Hong Kong (EdUHK), explained his educational insights and plans for development of the University. He pointed out that EdUHK places great emphasis on cultivating students' good character and on national security education, describing such moral education as the "compass of life". He hopes that under the national strategy to shape China into an education and talent powerhouse, EdUHK can develop more multidisciplinary programmes and cultivate multi-skilled students, who are patriotic, have affection for Hong Kong, and are also equipped with 21st century skills and abilities.
In the interview, Professor Lee stated that patriotic education is part of positive values education, which begins with teacher ethics, using moral education as the foundation. He noted that the level of internationalisation at public universities in the HKSAR is relatively high, hoping that the University can “enjoy strong support from the motherland, and be connected with the rest of the world”, contributing to the education sector in our country, neighbouring regions and around the globe.


Regarding EdUHK’s focus for the year, Professor Lee mapped out a plan with three directions: the first part being ‘curriculum and teaching’, which focuses on nurturing students with positive values; the next is scientific research, which helps strengthen knowledge transfer; and the third part is external services, aiming to serve the city, the country and the region. He added that the University is putting emphasis on talent recruitment, especially scholars with research capabilities, while taking educational development into close consideration.


To realise Hong Kong’s goal to become a regional and international education hub, Professor Lee sees there is potential and that it is essential for the city to increase the diversity of the student body, foster development, improve connectivity and enhance engagement. He believes, in the future, Hong Kong needs to connect with the educational resources available in the Asia-Pacific region, different provinces in the country and the Greater Bay Area (GBA), so the city can soar like a Chinese dragon. He added that he will explore ways in which cooperation with the GBA can be strengthened.


Finally, Professor Lee mentioned that EdUHK has inherited a rich educational legacy that can be traced back to 1881 and, as the sixth President, he intends to uphold the tradition of teacher education. Using his life experience as an example, he encouraged young people to fear no challenges, turn setbacks into opportunities, and view change with optimism. As the Chinese New Year approached, he wished for the nation's prosperity and peace; happiness for everyone's family; vigour and good health to all.