Storytelling Competition

1. Key Dates 重要日期

June 15th

Video submission deadline

June 30th

Announcement of the result

*The result will be announced on our project website and from JCPS teachers


2. Format 作品形式

1)  時間限制:五分鐘以內

time limit: within 5mins

2) 比賽視頻需要展現學生全貌,學生講故事時讀誦或背誦故事均可。

   Students are expected to show their face in the video. They can choose to either read aloud the story holding the book or telling the story without the book.


3. Submission Method 提交方式:


Please submit the video to the class English teacher


Please name the video according to the following format

Name_Class_Class Number_Story Name


4. Judgement Criteria 評分標準

Narrative skills




Facial expression & Body language


Use of articulation


Use of intonation 



5. Rules & Regulations 規則

* All entrants are allowed to submit one video only.
* Entrants will be solely responsible for the content and any violations of copyright as a result of posting it.
* Acceptance of any prize will constitute the winner’s consent to the use of the winners’ names, likeness, voices, opinions and prize information for promotional purposes in any media, worldwide, without further payment or notification. Decisions made by the organizer are final on all aspects of the competition.