Digital / Traditional Story-Telling

Our Project & Website

This website is designed for the QEF Project related to storytelling which aims at cultivating students’ English proficiency, academic achievement, critical thinking, English learning motivation on narrative text-types through digital and traditional story-telling. Moreover, it also fucses on comparing the impact of digital and traditional story-telling activities on the above aspects. 

In order to develop  teaching packages for training both pre-service and in-service teachers on how to implement DST and TST in local schools as well as provide multiple resrouces for students to digest after class, this website is dedicated to share student-developed digital storytelling videos which are interactive and interesting. It also provides you with theoretical knowledge summarized from recommended literature, and more importantly practical information related to both traditional and digital storytelling provided by useful websites.  Photos capturing precious moments are also displayed. You are also welcomed to leave your comments to tell us what you think and make contributions to this website by inputing more innovative content. 

 Our staff team from ELE, EdUHK


Dr. YU Baohua


                             Ms. CHAN Ka Yin Clairine
                             Mr. WU Sterling Shaffer
                             Dr. MAK Wing Wah Pauline