
Optimizing Second Language Practice: Repetition is Important but How to Repeat is Important!

  • 2019年08月29日 | 17:00 - 18:30
  • B4-LP-04
  • 講座
  • 英語
  • Dr Yuichi Suzuki
  • 英語教育學系
Optimizing Second Language Practice: Repetition is Important but How to Repeat is Important!

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Speaker: Dr Yuchi SUZUKI (Kanagawa University, Japan)


When you learn any second language (L2), repeated practice plays a critical role in mastering an L2. In this talk, I first discuss how effective repeated L2 practice is defined along with sample practice activities. I then present theoretical frameworks of optimizing L2 repeated practice. Optimal practice is desirably challenging enough for L2 learners and transfer appropriate for real-life language tasks (Suzuki, Nakata, & DeKeyser, 2019). Several key empirical studies are also highlighted that elucidated the effects of spaced repetition and interleaved repetition for L2 acquisition of knowledge and skills. In conclusion, I present several directions for future research on optimizing L2 practice. Reference: Suzuki, Y., Nakata, T., & DeKeyser, R. M. (2019). Optimizing second language practice in the classroom: Perspectives from cognitive psychology. Modern Language Journal. 103 [Special Issue], 551-561.


Optimizing Second Language Practice: Repetition is Important but How to Repeat is Important
Optimizing Second Language Practice: Repetition is Important but How to Repeat is Important
Optimizing Second Language Practice: Repetition is Important but How to Repeat is Important