EdUHK Alumni Sharing Sessions for the FHM 10th Anniversary Celebrations
- 10 Dec, 2022 | 9:30 am - 12:30 pm
- B2-LP-14 OR Online Mode Through Zoom
- Alumni Activities
- 2948 7242
- English
- Miss BIBI Tayyaba, Dr. AN Jiangshan, Dr. MA Fungcho Makin
- Department of English Language Education

My journey of becoming an educator starts at EdUHK
When I look back at the journey of my professional development, I can’t appreciate enough my time at EdUHK. The teachers, the courses, the immersion and field experience, and the international exchange and internship opportunities are some of the many aspects of my experience that I vividly remember. What I learnt at EdUHK, as I reflect today, guided my career in a very meaningful way and I believe the current students can also make use of the wide range of opportunities that I have hugely benefited from and am deeply grateful for.

The Journey from Student to Staff - Grooming the next generation of diversified teaching force
The mark of a successful tertiary institution is in its ability to provide holistic development to students and provide the students with the opportunities to carve a niche for themselves. The experiences that I gained, both as a student and currently as a teaching staff, at the Education University of Hong Kong have empowered and inspired me tremendously, laying the foundation for me to become an educator with social welfare and justice in mind, and instilling in me a resolute desire to make a bigger difference – within and beyond classroom. My sharing will encapsulate this growth journey.
Bibi Tayyaba is a Lecturer at the Department of English Language Education. Tayyaba is an alumna of EdUHK; she graduated in 2017 from the Bachelor of Education (English Language) program with First Class Honors and went on to pursue MSc in Education specializing in Higher Education at the University of Oxford. Her research interests revolve around Comparative Education, Ethnic Minorities in Higher Education, and Transnational Education. Her teaching interests lie in English for Academic Purposes, Pedagogy, and Language Arts. In 2012/13, Tayyaba was the first non-Chinese to have received the Hong Kong Jockey Club Scholarship. She is also the recipient of Sir Edward Youde Memorial Scholarship (2016/17). Recently, she founded a social enterprise – Pink Dolphin Academy, with the aim to inspire sportsmanship and inclusivity in the arena of aquatic sports for women of minority ethnicities in Hong Kong.

Going from Strength to Strength
Owing to their respective strengths, I chose the double degree programme organized by CUHK and the Faculty of Languages of the then Hong Kong Institute of Education (HKIEd). During my studies at HKIEd, the really “unique” immersion semester it organized opened my eyes. During my teaching practice, the “extremely” supportive supervisors facilitated my turning of theories into practice. In 2014, in order to go from strength to strength, I studied for a doctoral degree within the Department of English Language Education of the new Faculty of Humanities, with Dr Stella KONG and Dr ZOU Di as my primary supervisors. What was exciting and rewarding was the rigorous thesis exam process. Speaking of the graduates of the department, they are highly sought after. However, current students should still endeavour to go from strength to strength.
OR Online Mode Through Zoom
* Speakers will deliver the sharing on-site, please join on-site to interact with the speakers directly.
Please register by 8th December :