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08:15-08:45 Registration and signature Venue: Theatre D1-LP-04
08:45-09:05 Opening Ceremony Venue: Lecture D1-LP-04
09:05-09:10 Presentation of Souvenirs and Group Photograph-taking
09:10-09:50 Keynote speech I:
Developing mathematical thinking with perspectives in and for STEM Education
Professor LI Yeping

College of Education and Human Development, Texas A & M University, USA
09:50-10:30 Keynote speech II:
Competency-based mathematics curriculum reform in the Chinese Mainland: Ideas and implementation design
Professor XU Binyan

College of Teacher Education, East China Normal University
10:30-10:45 Coffee Break
10:45-11:25 Keynote speech III:
Mathematical grounding activities as the foundation for STEAM education
Professor YANG Kai-Lin

Department of Mathematics, National Taiwan Normal University
11:25-12:05 Keynote speech VI:
Teaching of concepts and problem solving strategies based on mathematical problem solving
Dr. JIANG Chunlian

Faculty of Education, University of Macau
12:05-12:45 Keynote speech V:
Mathematics education in Hong Kong since the new academic structure
Dr. ZHANG Qiaoping

Department of Mathematics and Information Technology, EdUHK
12:45-14:00 Lunch Time*
14:00-17:00 Group Forum / Workshop / Exhibition and Participation certificate collection
Details about Group Forum and Workshops

* Lunch on own