About SCG3027 Creativity in STEM Invention
In this course, human invention is studied as an evolutionary process brought about by the application of science and technology. This course aims at inspiring participants on the nature of Big-C creativity through studying great inventors and inventions in our history. It inquires into their creative processes, creative persons, creative products and creative environments, and summarizes the role of creativity in these eminent inventions. Story-based approach is adopted to study in details some selected great inventors (e.g. Leonardo da Vinci, Thomas Edison and Steve Jobs) to understand how they made use of the scientific and technological knowledge of their times to solve contemporary social, health, military or other problems. The contextual and personal factors which may have contributed to the success of these great inventors would be further discussed. To develop participants’ competence in STEM invention, participants will also be engaged in various invention activities, so as to further appreciate and understand the invention processes. Participants would study the design cycle and design thinking, and learn to apply them in making scientific and technological inventions. Participants will be provided with ample opportunities to have both minds-on and hands-on practical works in laboratories, with the support of scientific and technological aids. Activity 1 - Elements of Technological Invention + Strategies
Activity 1 - Elements of Technological Invention + Strategies
Activity 1 - Elements of Technological Invention + Strategies Activity 2 - Design Cycle and Trials
Activity 2 - Design Cycle and Trials
Activity 2 - Design Cycle and Trials Activity 3 - Presenting Historical Case
Activity 3 - Presenting Historical Case
Activity 3 - Presenting Historical Case Activity 4 - Application of 3-D printing
Activity 4 - Application of 3-D printing
Activity 4 - Application of 3-D printing Activity 5 - Arduino Workshop
Activity 5 - Arduino Workshop
Activity 5 - Arduino Workshop Activity 6 - Fun with littleBits
Activity 6 - Fun with littleBits
Activity 6 - Fun with littleBits Activity 7 - Coding and Exploration with micro:Bit
Activity 7 - Coding and Exploration with micro:Bit
Activity 7 - Coding and Exploration with micro:Bit |