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Learning Cantonese via Cultural Visits (3): Visiting Hong Kong Heritage Museum


A journey of Hong Kong traditional art and Cantonese exploration




  1. 透過粵語傳統、習俗和藝術的展覽探索粵語文化遺產

Explore Cantonese cultural heritage through the museum's exhibitions on Cantonese traditions, customs, and arts

  1. 與博物館工作人員互動提高粵語聽說能力

Improve Cantonese listening and speaking skills through interact with staff of museum" in Chinese

  1. 為學生增加說粵語的機會,從而增強他們理解粵語的信心

Increase opportunities for students to speak Cantonese, thereby enhancing their confidence in understanding Cantonese.





Non-Cantonese speaking students of the University



Activity description:



This activity aims to allow students to gain a deeper understanding of Hong Kong's traditional culture and arts through a visit to the Hong Kong Cultural Museum. The visit will be led by a tour guide who will introduce the exhibits in Mandarin, but students will still need to use the provided questions in Cantonese to engage in short exchanges with the guided questions.

After the visit, there will be a "Cantonese Orienteering" with tasks covering the exhibits and other Cantonese-related questions from the tour. Through this orienteering activity, students will be encouraged to speak more Cantonese and deepen their grasp of Cantonese vocabulary in daily life.


參觀日期︰2024年11月10日 (14:00-16:00)

Date of the visit: 10th November, 2024 (14:00-16:00)


簡介會︰2024年11月01日 (18:00-19:30)

Date of briefing session: 1st November, 2024 (18:00-19:30)


總結會︰2024年11月15日 (18:00-19:00)

Date of briefing session: 15th November, 2024 (18:00-19:00)


注意事項1︰表現活躍的同學可獲得Pacific Coffee $50 現金券 (Quota: 3)

Note 1: Active participants can win a $50 cash voucher for Pacific Coffee. (Quota: 3)


Note 2: Students who attended both the briefing, and debriefing sessions, and finished evaluations (a questionnaire survey) can get the transportation fee reimbursement

注意事項3︰ 學生參加活動前須簽署承諾書

Note 3: Student participants have to sign an undertaking form before joining the activity





Please complete the form to participate in the activity HERE.


報名截止日期: 2024年10月23日 晚上11:59

Deadline of application: 23th October 11:59




Remark: This activity is for non-Cantonese speaking students only.

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