Selected Monographs

1. 從基督教角度再思史基納之行為主義理論

作者:唐偉權 (香港教育大學基督教信仰與發展中心高級研究助理)

文件類型: 期刊論文

關鍵字: 基督教、史基納、行為主義

出處:《輔仁宗教研究》第三十五期(2017 年 秋)1-18 頁


簡介:此文旨在重新梳理史基納(B.F. Skinner, 1904-1990)行為主義理論,並從基督教觀點提出反思,期望以此修正過去基督徒對此理論流於片面的看法。


2. A Study of the Impact of Spirituality and Curiosity on Life Satisfaction in Chinese Christian Teachers

作者:Chi-Yeung Lam, former research officer of EdUHK Christian Faith and Development Centre

文件類型: 期刊論文

關鍵字: Spirituality,curiosity,life satisfaction,mediation,Chinese Christian teachers

出處:Journal of Research on Christian Education Volume 31, 2022 - Issue 3 Pages 275-298 | Published online: 18 Nov 2022


簡介:Previous research demonstrated that both spirituality and curiosity were positively associated with life satisfaction. However, limited research investigated the relationship between spirituality and curiosity. One hundred eight Chinese Christian teachers participated in an online questionnaire that measured their spirituality, curiosity, and life satisfaction. Results showed that three dimensions of curiosity, namely, joyous exploration, deprivation sensitivity, and stress tolerance, were significantly associated with spirituality. Deprivation sensitivity was found to be a significant competitive mediator (suppressor) of the relation between spirituality and life satisfaction, indicating the anxiety embedded in deprivation sensitivity might interfere with Christian teachers’ life satisfaction. The finding provides support for the importance of fostering psychological capital and developmental assets for Christian teachers’ positive development.