


Ms Deng

講師 II
繪畫, 藝術教育, 視覺研究方法

(852) 2948 7894


講師 II



DENG Yang is an artist-teacher-researcher and a lecturer at the Department of Culture and Creatives Arts (CCA), the Education University of Hong Kong (EdUHK).


She was trained in western conventional drawing and painting and built a comprehensive foundation across art, craft, and design. She earned a B.F.A. in Decorative Arts and Design with an Outstanding Graduate Award from the Guangzhou Academy of Fine Arts (GAFA). She received her M.A. in Art Education from Adelphi University (AU) and is now receiving a Ph.D. in Art Education from Pennsylvania State University (Penn State), U.S.A. Her journey of becoming an artist-teacher-researcher from China to the United States shaped her research interests. She studies sojourning art educators’ interality experiences and how drawing as a visual method can assist teaching, interviewing, and data analysis.


Before joining EdUHK, she taught art classes at Stewart Manor Elementary School and Garden City Middle School in Long Island, NY, and general art courses at Pennsylvania State University. During her doctoral study at Penn State, she was awarded the 2021-2022 Stuckeman Diversity and Inclusion Fellowship, the 2019 - 2020 Harold F. Martin Graduate Assistant Outstanding Teaching Award, and the 2017-2018 Dorothy Hughes-Young Endowed Scholarship.


She also serves as the Secretary-General and the Director of the International Affairs Division of the World Chinese Arts Education Association (WCAEA) and is responsible for international outreach and engagement. She enjoys working in a diverse and inclusive workplace where she can collaborate with people from various backgrounds, cultures, and practices.


Please visit her website for more information:

  • Qualifications

    Ph.D. (expecting in 2023) in Art Education (Pennslyvania State University, USA)

    M.A. in Art Education (Adelphi University, USA)

    B.F.A. in Decorative Arts and Design (Guangzhou Academy of Fine Arts, China)

  • Areas of Teaching

    Introduction to Drawing

    Visual Arts Knowledge in Two-Dimensional Art

    Curriculum Design in Art Education

  • Research Interests

    Mindful Drawing Practice

    Art Practice as Research

    International Education

    Interology and Interality Study

    Cultural Psychology

  • Selected Outputs

    • Knight, W. & Deng, Y. (2016). N/either here n/or there: Culture, location, positionality, and art education. Visual Arts Research Journal, 42(2), 105-111.
    • Rodriguez, F., Esola, L., Deng, Y., & Stankiewicz, M.A. (2019). Interpreting a seminar for research and curriculum development in art education: Context and significance. Transdisciplinary Inquiry, Practice, and Possibilities in Art Education. University Park, PA: The Pennsylvania State University Libraries Open Publishing.
    • 鄧暘(2015):自我認知與人文修養在藝術設計教育中的重要性,載於林藍編《因「地」而為:嶺南地域美術與設計高等教育現狀及發展研究》,(頁364-370),北京,人民美術出版社。
  • External Appointments

    The Secretary-General and the Director of the International Affairs Division of the World Chinese Arts Education Association (WCAEA)
