
Composting is an aerobic microbially driven process. It involves the oxidation of mixed organic substrates.

It converts solid organic wastes into a stable, sanitary, humus-like material that has been considerably reduced in bulk and can be returned safely to the environment.

What can be composted?

You can compost kitchen wastes, leaves and grass clippings, as well as other yard waste, such as pine needles, weeds, or small garden plants.

Kitchen wastes

Grass clippings
Pine needles, weeds


How to Compost?

For composting, you can use:

Manufactured bin

Homemade bins
Traditional free-standing
compost heaps


Compost Heap

The basic ingredients in making compost heap are air, water, soil and microorganisms. Nitrogen fertilizer would facilitate the normal growth of microbes.

The quantity of these ingredients is important. Too much or too little can slow down the rate of composting process.



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