Page 74 - EdUHK Annual Report 2016-2017
P. 74
Financial Position
The University’s net assets had a slight increase of 12.7% to $1,150 million at the end of 2016/17. Cash and deposits had increased to $1,601 million. The University was in the  nal stage of formulating new investment strategy and new policy to be implemented in 2017/18.
With the surplus of $71 million from UGC-funded activities for the year transferred to the General and Development Reserve Fund, the total balance of the fund accumulated to about $491 million.
The University will continue to enhance its role as a leading university in the Asia-Paci c region focusing on teacher education and complementary disciplines and continue to work conscientiously to pursue its lofty goals and uphold its quality standards as well as commitment to student learning. The University’s  nancial position becomes stronger than ever with a total accumulated fund of over $1 billion at the end of the year which provides a good foundation for future development of the University.
Ms Susanna CHIU Lai-Kuen, MH, JP
The Council of The Education University of Hong Kong 20 October 2017
截至二零一六至一七年度止,本校的資產淨值較去年度 稍微增加百分之十二點七,達十一億五千萬元,現金及 存款則增加至十六億一百萬元。本校現正制訂新的投資 策略及政策,並且已進入最後階段,新的投資策略將於 二零一七至一八年度實行。
年內教資會資助的項目出現七千一百萬元盈餘,已轉入 一般及發展儲備基金,令儲備基金的總結餘累積至四 億九千一百萬元。
展望未來,本校將繼往開來,致力強化作為亞太地區一 所以教育為本,並提供相關學科的教育大學先驅地位, 同時克盡厥職,銳意實現崇高目標、維持優質教學水 平,以及對學生的良好學習環境作出承諾。本校目前財 務狀況較過去更為穩健,至本財政年度為止,已累積了 逾十億元的總盈餘,對本校的未來發展,提供了良好基 礎。
趙麗娟女士,榮譽勳章,太平紳士 香港教育大學校董會
72 / The Education University of Hong Kong Annual Report 2016-2017

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