Page 73 - EdUHK Annual Report 2016-2017
P. 73
Total expenditure of the Group amounted to $1,572 million, an increase of $100 million as compared to that of last year. The expenditure of the University proper had increased by $98 million to $1,534 million.
At the University level, $1,074 million was spent on teaching, learning and research which was about 70% of the total expenditure. The increase of $69 million compared to 2015/16 was mainly due to pay adjustment; increase in academic and teaching staff resulted from positons lled up due to the expansion of the University, particularly in the research capacity.
Under institutional support, a total increase of $29 million as compared to 2015/16 was recorded. The major part of the increase was in the operating expenses of about $15 million which came mainly from
the maintenance of premises and related expenses, including several barrier-free improvement projects such as the installation of two passenger lifts, and the construction of ramps and covered walkways on campus. On the other hand, an increase of staff costs mainly due to pay adjustments accounted for about $9 million.
At the subsidiary level, the SCPE had ceased to offer programme and course since 2014/15 and its expenditure was incurred to only cover the charges for administration services and rental of storage space provided by the University. The Schools Limited incurred a total expenditure of $38 million which was mainly for the staff costs.
The following diagram shows the breakdown of the total expenditure of the University:
Expenditure 支出
本集團的總支出達至十五億七千二百萬元,較去年度增 加一億元;而本校的支出則增加九千八百萬元,達十五 億三千四百萬元。
在本校的支出中,教學、學術及研究佔十億零七千四百 萬 元,約 為 總 支 出 的 七 成。支 出 數 額 較 二 零 一 五 至 一 六 年度增加了六千九百萬元,主要由於員工薪金調整,以 及因本校在拓展中,特別是在研究方面,而須增聘教研 人員所致。
本年度教學支援的各項支出較二零一五至一六年度增 加約二千九百萬元,當中大部份的增長數額,約一千五 百萬元的營運開支,主要用於校舍保養及相關開支,包 括在校園內增設無障礙設施,如兩部行人升降機、人造 斜坡及行人道上蓋等。另外,僱員福利開支的增加主要 源自約九百萬元的薪金調整。
附屬機構持續專業教育學院已自二零一四至一五年度 停辦課程,年內開支只用以支付本校的服務費及儲物間 租金。學校有限公司的總支出為三千八百萬元,主要用 以支付僱員福利開支。
Treasurer’s Report
2016/2017: $1,534 million $15.34億
2016/17 2015/16 57% 57%
4% 4%
5% 5%
4% 4%
6% 7%
17% 16%
7% 7%
$1,436 million
Teaching and research
Central computing facilities
Other academic services
Management and general
Premises and related expenses
Student and general education services
香港教育大學 2016-2017 年報 /