Page 55 - EdUHK Annual Report 2016-2017
P. 55
 Ernst & Young Advisory Services Limited (“EY”) provides internal audit services for the University under the direction of the Audit Committee
in providing an independent and objective assurance in accordance with its approved annual audit plan. EY carries out periodic independent reviews over key business processes and controls to assess the adequacy and the effectiveness of internal control and risk management systems across the University and with regard to the compliance with applicable UGC rules and regulations and Enterprise Risk Management framework of the University.
Principal Risks and Mitigation Plans
The University continues facing challenges and uncertainties from external and internal factors, such as stakeholders’ diverse social and political demands, local demographic change, strong competition in the region, and increasing compliance requirements from regulators.
Subsequent to a series of assessment exercises conducted to identify and monitor the risks it is facing and the measures in managing different challenges and uncertainties, the University, with assistance from the Internal Auditors, continues monitoring its risk exposure as well as assessing the design and operations of mitigation plans put
in place in managing the risks on a regular basis. The University will continue to monitor internal factors as well as external environment that impact its risk pro le and formulate the appropriate risk treatment activities as needed on a timely basis. In addition, the University, with assistance from the Internal Auditors, will organize two sessions of risk awareness seminars to heads of academic and administrative units
to enhance the understanding of University risks and cultivate self- awareness.
Governance Report
安永諮詢服務有限公司(「安永」)於審計委員會指導 下,根據已通過的年度審計計劃為本校提供內部審計 服務及作出獨立而客觀的確認。安永就本校的主要運 作程序及監管作定期的獨立審視,以全面檢視本校各 內部監管及風險管理系統是否足夠和有效,以及是否 依從大學教育資助委員會的相關條例與規則,以及本校 的大學風險管理框架。
本校持續面對來自校內和校外不同的挑戰及不確定性, 如持份者不同的社會及政治訴求、本地人口結構的改 變、區內的激烈競爭,以及公營機構受到不斷增加的規 範要求等。
為此,本校進行了一系列評估,以識別及監察所面對的 風險及管理措施,以處理各種挑戰和不確定性,並在內 部審計人員的協助下,持續監察所面對的風險,以及評 估減低風險計劃的設計與運作,用作定期風險管理。本 校將會繼續監察影響其風險狀況的內部及外圍環境因 素,並 適 時 制 訂 合 適、相 應 及 所 需 的 風 險 管 理 行 動。此 外,本校亦將在內部審計人員的協助下,舉辦兩場風險 意識研討會,供校內學術部門及行政部門主管人員參 加,以加強對本校風險的認識及提高自我意識。
香港教育大學 2016-2017 年報 /

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