Page 63 - EdUHK Annual Report 2015-2016
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Biographies of Council Members (Appendix II) 校董會成員簡介(附錄二) Dr. PANG Yiu-kai 彭耀佳博士, GBS, JP
Chairman of the Council 校董會主席
Dr. Y.K. Pang, GBS, JP is the Deputy Managing Director of Jardine Matheson Holdings, and is the Chairman and a Director of a number of its group companies. In addition to his business pursuits, Dr. Pang serves on a number of Government and regulatory bodies, including Vice Patron of The Community Chest, Chairman of the Employers’ Federation of Hong Kong, Member of the Hospital Authority and Chairman of Government’s Standing Committee on Directorate Salaries and Conditions of Service. In 2016, Dr. Pang was awarded the Gold Bauhinia Star (GBS) by the Chief Executive of Hong Kong SAR and was conferred an Honorary Doctorate degree by The University of Edinburgh.
彭耀佳博士GBS, JP為怡和控股有限公司副行政總裁及怡和控股集團內數家公司的主席及董事。商界以外,彭博士亦為 不同政府及規管機構服務,包括:香港公益金名譽副會長、香港僱主聯合會主席、醫院管理局成員、政府首長級薪俸及 服務條件常務委員會主席。彭博士於二零一六年獲香港特別行政區行政長官頒授金紫荊星章,並獲愛丁堡大學頒授榮譽 博士銜。
Mr. Dieter YIH 葉禮德先生, JP
Deputy Chairman of the Council 校董會副主席
Mr. Dieter Yih, JP is a partner of Kwok Yih & Chan, Solicitors. His practice focuses on capital markets, corporate  nance, securities, mergers & acquisitions in Hong Kong, mainland China and the Asian region. He is currently a Member of the Education Commission, the Convenor of the Investigation Panel of the Hong Kong Institute of Certi ed Public Accountants, a Member of the Listing Committee of the Stock Exchange of Hong Kong, a Member of the Standing Committee on Judicial Salaries and Conditions of Service, and the Chairman of the King’s College London Hong Kong Foundation. Mr. Yih was a Past President of The Law Society of Hong Kong (2012-2013), and has served on the Standing Committee on Legal Education and Training for 12 years.
葉禮德先生JP為郭葉陳律師事務所合夥人,其法律業務以香港、中國內地及亞洲區的資本市場、企業財務、證券、收購 合併為主。葉先生現為教育統籌委員會成員、香港註冊會計師公會調查小組召集人、香港交易所上市委員會成員、司法 人員薪俸及服務條件常務委員會成員,以及倫敦大學國王學院香港基金會主席,曾任香港律師會會長(二零一二至一三 年),並於法律教育及培訓常設委員會服務十二年。
Ms. Susanna CHIU Lai-kuen 趙麗娟女士, MH Treasurer of the Council 校董會司庫
Ms. Susanna Chiu, MH has more than 25 years of professional experience in accounting, business management and operations. She is a Director of Li & Fung Development (China) Limited, and was the President of The Hong Kong Institute of Certi ed Public Accountants in 2013. Ms. Chiu was awarded the Medal of Honor by Hong Kong SAR in 2013 for her achievement and dedicated public services especially her contribution to the accounting profession. She was also awarded one of
the ten nationwide “Chinese Women of Achievement” Award in the UK in 1991, the “Outstanding Women Professionals” Award in 2014, and “Distinguished Alumni” Award from Shef eld University. Ms. Chiu is a Member of a number of public bodies, including the Equal Opportunities Commission and the Standard Working Hours Committee.
趙麗娟女士MH於會計、商業管理及運作方面擁有逾二十五年專業經驗,現為利豐發展(中國)有限公司董事,曾於二零 一三年出任香港會計師公會會長。二零一三年,趙女士獲香港特別行政區政府頒授榮譽勳章,嘉許其傑出成就及對公共 服務的熱誠,尤其對會計專業的貢獻。她亦曾於一九九一年名列英國全國十大「傑出華裔女性」之一,並於二零一四年獲 頒「傑出專業女性」大獎,並榮獲英國雪菲爾大學頒發「傑出校友」殊榮。趙女士亦為平等機會委員會及標準工時委員 會等多個公共機構的成員。
Governance Report 管治報告
香港教育大學 2015-2016年報

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