Page 56 - EdUHK Annual Report 2015-2016
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The Council usually holds four meetings in an academic year. If necessary, additional meetings may be scheduled. To enhance communications with staff/students, Council papers and con rmed Council minutes which are classi ed as non-con dential are posted on the University’s Intranet.
Council Members are involved in the University’s affairs through meetings of the Council, Council Committees and ad-hoc working groups, and participation in the University’s many activities and functions. Hence, the information of individual Members about their attendances in meetings
of the Council and its standing Committees during the  nancial year 2015/16 do not re ect fully their involvements in University’s affairs, as some Members might have been absent from meetings to represent the University in other functions.
The attendance record of Council Members in 2015/16 and their biographies are set out in Appendix I and Appendix II respectively.
In 2015/16, there was not any contract of signi cance for the provision of services or goods to the University or the subsidiary of the University in which a Council member or committee member is or was materially interested, either directly or indirectly.
Academic Board
The Academic Board (“AB”) is the chief academic forum of the University with the President as the Chairperson. The Board comprises members from faculties, academic departments, academic support units and student body. The quorum and procedures of the AB meetings
are governed by its Rules of Procedure. It met nine times during the academic year 2015/16.
Council Committees
The Council has established four Committees, namely the Audit Committee, the Finance Committee, the Staf ng Committee and the Honorary Degrees Committee; and The Education University of Hong Kong Foundation. They are delegated with speci c roles and responsibilities by the Council.
The Audit Committee makes recommendations to the Council on the appointment of auditors, and reviews the annual  nancial statements of the University before submission of the same to the Council for approval. It also reviews and approves the University’s internal audit programmes; and ensures co-ordination between the internal and external auditors; reviews internal audit  ndings, recommendations and management’s responses.
校董會通常在每個學術年度舉行四次會議,若有需要 則會安排額外會議。為加強與教職員及學生的溝通,不 屬機密類別的校董會文件及經確認的會議紀錄,會經 本校內聯網公佈。
校董會成員透過出席校董會、校董會轄下各常設委員 會和臨時工作小組的會議,以及參加本校眾多不同活 動,參 與 本 校 的 事 務。二 零 一 五 /一 六 財 政 年 度,各 校 董會成員出席校董會及其轄下常設委員會會議的數 字,並不能全面反映各成員參與本校事務的實際情況, 因有部分校董會成員或需出席或參與本校其他活動和 事務而缺席有關會議。
二零一五/一六年度校董會成員出席會議紀錄及各人 的簡介分別列於附錄一及附錄二。
二 零 一 五 /一 六 年 度 內,校 董 會 成 員 或 委 員 會 成 員,並 沒有與本校或其附屬機構簽訂提供服務或貨品的重要 合約,或涉及其中任何直接或間接的利益。
教務委員會是本校最高學術議會,由校長出任主席。成 員包括學院、學系、學術支援單位代表及學生代表。教 務委員會會議的法定人數及程序均受該會的程序規則 所 規 管 。 該 委 員 會 於 二 零 一 五 /一 六 年 度 舉 行 了 九 次 會 議。
校董會共設立四個委員會,分別為:審計委員會、財務 委員會、人事委員會及榮譽學位頒授委員會;並另設香 港教育大學基金。各委員會均獲校董會委以具體角色 與職責。
審計委員會就委任核數師事宜向校董會提供建議,並 於本校年度財務報告提交予校董會通過前,先行檢閱。 該委員會亦負責檢閱及通過本校內部審計計劃,確保 內部與外部審計之間的協調,並檢視內部審計所得的 結果、建議及管理層的回應。
The Education University of Hong Kong
Annual Report 2015-2016

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