Page 38 - EdUHK Annual Report 2015-2016
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coding, and the impact of different curriculum hours. The University, in cooperation with other parties, will also lead the organisation of four international and Asia-Paci c conferences and actively participate in coordinating three Hong Kong-wide competitions on computational thinking, seminars, lectures and workshops. Through these large-scale public awareness events, the Programme is set to bene t over 10,000 stakeholders, including parents, teachers, students and members of the general public, through providing knowledge of and insights into computational thinking development.
The above-mentioned projects are just some of the examples with impacts on the Education and the wider communities. During the year, the University’s KT activities bene ted 15,873 schools, 15,580 principals, 66,241 teachers and 713,440 students.*
Recognition of Research Excellence
The President’s Awards for Outstanding Performance comprise three categories of teaching, research and administrative services. During
the year, under the category of research, four awards in two groups
were bestowed on four academic staff members in recognition of their outstanding performance. Recipients of the Research Excellence Award, which recognises outstanding senior and established academics, were Professor Wang Wen-chung, Chair Professor, Department of Psychology, and Dr Stephen Chow Cheuk-fai, Associate Professor, Department of Science and Environmental Studies. Recipients of the Early Career Research Excellence Award, which recognises exceptional emerging and young academics, were Dr Brian Fong Chi-hang, Associate Professor, Academy of Hong Kong Studies, and Dr Qian Haiyan, Assistant Professor, Department of Education Policy and Leadership.
The Awards, supported by other initiatives and activities, have helped cultivate a research-active environment and research-robust culture at the University. The results produced in the process have been turned into tangible applications that bene t the school and the higher education sectors, as well as the community at large.
* The total bene ciaries have been calculated according to the number of activities involved. Some bene ciaries and schools may have been involved in more than one activity.
希望借助此類大規模活動提升公眾認知,並藉著提 供運算思維發展的最新資訊,惠及逾萬名的持份者, 包括家長、教師、學生及公眾。
本校多個研究項目均對教育界及社會影響深遠,上述 計劃僅為其中數例。過去一年,共有一萬五千八百七 十三所學校、一萬五千五百八十名校長、六萬六千二百 四十一名教師及七十一萬三千四百四十名學生,參與 本校的知識轉移活動。*
本校傑出表現校長獎項涵蓋教學、研究及行政服務三 大 類 別。過 去 一 年,於 研 究 範 疇,共 有 四 位 學 術 人 員 分別獲頒兩大類別中的四個獎項,以嘉許他們的傑出 表現。其中,榮獲表揚資深學術人員的卓越研究獎的, 分別為心理學系講座教授王文中教授,以及科學與環 境學系副教授周卓輝博士;而榮獲表彰年輕學者的青 年學者卓越研究獎的,則是香港研究學院副教授方志 恒博士,以及教育政策與領導學系助理教授錢海燕博 士。
上述獎項及其他倡議與活動,均有助本校建立積極 研究的學術氛圍與文化;成果亦會實際應用於學校及 高等教育界,以至整體社群。
* 總受惠人數及學校數字乃根據各項活動數字統計而成。部分受惠 人及學校可能曾參與多於一項活動。
The Education University of Hong Kong
Annual Report 2015-2016
Dr Stephen Chow Cheuk-fai, Associate Professor at the Department of Science and Environmental Studies (left), and Professor Wang Wen- chung, Chair Professor at the Department of Psychology (right)
科學與環境學系副教授周卓輝博士 (左) ; 心理學系講座教授王文中
教授 (右)

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