Page 20 - EdUHK Annual Report 2015-2016
P. 20
Former Yata Department Store CEO Daniel Chong discusses his work ethos with staff and students at EdUHK
engage others through spreading positive values across the schools and organisations they serve in the future.
With the same purpose of supporting their future role as teachers in implementing Career and Life Planning Education in schools, the University launched the School-University-Reaching-Enterprises (SURE) Partnership Project in January 2016. By partnering with secondary schools, businesses and industries, 20 outstanding industry practitioners are invited as “Career Coaches”, offering students of the University and secondary schools the latest knowledge in career and life planning, and sharing their experiences in business operation and entrepreneurship. The Project provides pre-service teachers and students with the opportunity for self and occupational exploration. Through active learning about various  elds, participants can integrate real-life occupational information into their career aspirations and personal strengths.
To enhance the professional development of its students, the University also organised the Enlightening Professionals Mentorship Scheme 2015- 16, in which 250 students were matched with experienced professionals from various  elds to support and enrich their personal growth. Now entering its second year, the Scheme is supported by over a hundred mentors, all practising professionals from the school, business, public
作,邀請二十位傑出人士擔任「生涯教練」,為本校學 生及中學生提供最新職業及生涯規劃知識,並分享他 們在營商與創業方面的經驗。是項計劃有助即將投入 教育界的準教師和學生,進行自我與職業探索。參與 者積極了解不同領域的工作後,自能把真實的職業資 訊與本身的事業抱負和個人專長連繫起來。
本校為提昇學生的專業發展,亦推出「二零一五至一 六年度燃亮專業—香港教育大學啟導計劃」。不同 範疇的資深專業人士與二百五十名學生配對成為師 友,以 輔 助 及 促 進 其 個 人 成 長。計 劃 已 進 入 第 二 年, 得 到 來 自 學 界、商 界、公 共 及 非 牟 利 界 別 逾 百 位 專 業 人士支持,擔任導師。參與計劃的學生與導師定期交 流,藉此難能可貴的機會,深入了解教育及其他行業; 師友關係亦讓導師得以向後輩傳承其價值觀及經驗, 有助年輕人擴闊眼界。
香港教育大學向以提供優質教師教育著稱,畢業生 的 卓 越 表 現 及 獲 取 獎 項 便 是 明 證 。二 零 一 五 /二 零 一
The Education University of Hong Kong Annual Report 2015-2016

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