Pursuit of Excellence

Since the establishment of different levels of research centres in 2008-09, the Institute has sought to develop selected Institute-level Research Centres as Centres of Excellence (CoEs) to lead cutting-edge research in the Asia-Pacific region. Significant progress has been made. In 2011-12, upon a series of rigorous and extensive reviews by both independent international and internal reviewers, and based on the very positive results covering different aspects of their achievements and performance, the Assessment Research Centre, the Centre for Governance and Citizenship, and the Joseph Lau Luen Hung Charitable Trust Asia Pacific Centre for Leadership and Change were designated as CoEs.

Individual academics and the CoEs work in unison to enhance the Institute's overall research capacity, as evidenced by the impressive results in securing highly competitive external research grants. In 2011-12, the total number of on-going General Research Fund (GRF), Public Policy Research (PPR) Fund and Strategic Public Policy Research (SPPR) projects has increased to 49 (amongst which 20 were secured within the academic year), with funding amounting to HK$40.2 million. Of the total projects, 21 (43%) were in Education, 16 (33%) in Social Sciences and 12 (24%) in Humanities and Creative Arts.

In late June 2012, the Institute was informed of its results in the latest 2012-13 GRF, Early Career Scheme (ECS) and PPR funding application exercise, with extremely encouraging results even when compared with established local universities, emerging as the first and second in terms of success rates, and the number of awarded projects in some key academic areas (such as education, psychology and linguistics) under the Humanities and Social Sciences Panel. Among the Institute's 72 GRF and ECS submissions, the success rate was 30.6% and the total awarded amount (including one PPR project) was HK$14.5 million. Equally encouraging, the Institute performed well in Economic and Social Research Council-Research Grants Council (ESRC-RGC) research grant applications, being ranked third among all University Grants Committee (UGC)-funded institutions.

Successful Applications for General Research Fund, Early Career Scheme and Public Policy Research Fund 2012-13*


Results of the 2012-13 GRF, ECS and PPR funding application exercise were announced in late June 2012.

General Research Fund 2012-13

Project Title and Principal Investigator

Suffix Array-based Index for Use in Bioinformatics

Dr CHAN Wai-hong

Assistant Professor, Department of Mathematics and Information Technology

Models of Trilingual Education in Ethnic Minority Regions of China

Prof ADAMSON Robert Damian

Professor, Department of International Education and Lifelong Learning

Developing and Refining an East Asian Conceptualisation of Principal Instructional Leadership


Chair Professor, Department of Education Policy and Leadership / The Joseph Lau Luen Hung Charitable Trust Asia Pacific Centre for Leadership and Change

The Civic Mission of Schools: Citizenship Education, Democratic School Governance and Students' Participation

Dr LEUNG Yan-wing

Associate Professor, Department of Education Policy and Leadership

Teaching Students with Autism Spectrum Disorders in Ordinary Schools: Design and Evaluation of a Culturally Sensitive Holistic Inclusive Model

Prof LO Sing-kai

Chair Professor, Faculty of Liberal Arts and Social Sciences / Graduate School

Preparing Urban Youth for Further Study and Careers: an International Study Involving Hong Kong

Prof MACLEAN Rupert

Chair Professor, Department of International Education and Lifelong Learning

Post-school Outcomes of Senior Secondary Graduates with Special Educational Needs

Dr SIN Kuen-fung

Associate Professor, Department of Special Education and Counselling

Towards a Cross-cultural Understanding of Learning by Senior Adults: Hong Kong and Australia

Dr Maureen TAM Siu-ling

Associate Professor, Department of International Education and Lifelong Learning

Developing a New Class of Item Response Theory Models for Examinee-Selected Items to Ensure Test Fairness

Prof WANG Wen-chung

Chair Professor, Department of Psychological Studies

Educational Experiences, Self Identity and Spirituality: A Study on the Well-Being among Students from Diverse Cultures in Hong Kong

Dr Celeste YUEN Yuet-mui

Associate Professor, Department of Education Policy and Leadership

Knowledge Competency among Hong Kong Pre-service Mathematics Teachers: Their Readiness, Strength, and Weakness during the Reform of New Senior Secondary School Curriculum

Dr Issic LEUNG Kui-chiu

Assistant Professor, Department of Mathematics and Information Technology

A Study of Cai Yuanpei's Redology Paradigm: From a Perspective of History of Literary Studies

Dr LEE Kwai-sang

Associate Professor, Department of Literature and Cultural Studies

A Longitudinal Examination of Late-emerging Reading Difficulties in Hong Kong Chinese Children

Prof Kevin CHUNG Kien-hoa

Professor, Department of Special Education and Counselling

Quadrasyllabic Idiomatic Expressions (QIE's) in Chinese and Neighbouring Languages: An Investigation into Linguistic and Cultural History

Prof Benjamin T'SOU Ka-yin

Chair Professor, Department of Linguistics and Modern Language Studies / Research Centre on Linguistics and Language Information Sciences

Development of Cantonese Request Strategies by Hong Kong Pakistani Preschoolers

Dr Lornita WONG Yuen-fan

Assistant Professor, Department of Early Childhood Education


Early Career Scheme 2012-13

Project Title and Principal Investigator

Examining Relationships between Teacher Effectiveness, Learning Processes and Goal Orientation in Hong Kong Classrooms

Dr James KO Yue-on

Assistant Professor, Department of Education Policy and Leadership

Decoding the Role of Teachers' Professional Networks (TPNs) in Sustaining Educational Reform

Dr LEE Moo-sung

Assistant Professor, Department of Education Policy and Leadership

Understanding School Management Teams: Beyond Sharing Role Responsibilities

Dr LU Jiafang

Assistant Professor, Department of Education Policy and Leadership

Design and Synthesis of Bimetallic Complexes as Bifunctional Molecular Devices for Simultaneously Detection and Degradation of Industrial Pollutants

Dr Stephen CHOW Cheuk-fai

Assistant Professor, Department of Science and Environmental Studies

Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) and Life Cycle Cost (LCC) Analysis of Food Waste Management Options in the Perspective of Global Warming in Hong Kong

Dr DENG Wenjing

Assistant Professor, Department of Science and Environmental Studies

Speech-print Awareness in Chinese Word Reading Development

Dr LIN Dan

Assistant Professor, Department of Psychological Studies

The Perception of Native English Fluent Speech in Chinese Learners of English: Individual Difference, Error Profile and Cognitive-linguistic Correlates

Dr Simpson WONG Wai-lap

Assistant Professor, Department of Psychological Studies


Public Policy Research Fund 2012-13

Project Title and Principal Investigator

Engagement of Immigrant and Minority Students with Schools and Civil Society

Dr Celeste YUEN Yuet-mui

Associate Professor, Department of Education Policy and Leadership

Award for Research Excellence

During the year, the Institute launched its first-ever President's Awards for Outstanding Performance in Teaching, Research, and Administrative Services. In the Research area, two categories of award were established, the Research Excellence Award and the Early Career Research Excellence Award, to recognise, encourage and reward outstanding research work that has had a significant impact on education and the community in the past three years. The Research Excellence Award honours established and experienced individual academic staff members or teams, and the Early Career Excellence Award honours individual early career academic staff who demonstrate excellence in research.

After the nominees were considered by a selection panel chaired by the President, Vice President (Research and Development), widely respected scholars as external members and elected academic staff of the Institute, four scholars were given the honour.

Research Excellence Award

Professor Philip Benson on Learning beyond Classroom

His work on autonomy and learning beyond the classroom has earned Professor Philip Benson an international reputation in the field of language teaching and learning. His research interests focus on the roles of study abroad and popular culture in language education and teacher development.

Professor Dennis McInerney on Cross-cultural Research

A leading expert in both qualitative and quantitative methodologies, Professor McInerney's cross-cultural research has made a unique and major contribution to the study of motivation and learning internationally. He has brought to the Institute two Australian Research Council grant projects that will have high impacts on educational systems.

Professor Wang Wen-chung on Educational and Psychological Measurement

Professor Wang's research focuses on educational and psychological measurement, covering theoretical and applied issues. His research project on innovative methodology provided policy makers and researchers with a ready-to-implement, state-of-the-art technique for better data analysis, thus making great progress on and a highly significant contribution to measurement and assessment.


Early Career Research Excellence Award

Dr Chan Chi-tak on Cross-disciplinary Studies of Literature

Dr Chan's research is in the area of cross-disciplinary studies of Hong Kong literature and cinema, as well as modern Chinese literature and poetry. A prolific writer, he has published widely on the development of Hong Kong literature after World War Two.

Research Outputs

The Institute seeks to advance high-quality research to inform innovation in learning and teaching, curriculum development, to support professional practice and policy formulation, and to foster social and human development. During the year, of the 574 refereed journal articles, books and book chapters produced by our academics, 68% were related to various sectors of education (such as early childhood, primary, secondary, technical and special education) and 32% were related to non-education areas (such as the social sciences, humanities and languages, and other professional and vocational subjects).

Knowledge Transfer

Knowledge transfer activities are central to the Institute's pursuit of research and innovative scholarship that not only extends knowledge frontiers but also benefits the education sector and the wider community. Such activities included, among others, commissioned and contract projects, partnership projects for change, improvement and innovation, consultancies, professional development courses, seminars and workshops, local and international conferences, as well as publications with local and regional impacts. During the year, 9,654 schools, 46,102 teachers, 395,625 students and 73,434 parents and stakeholders benefited from these activities.**

Scholars as Public Intellectuals

Academics at the Institute have also been actively engaged in public discourse on a wide array of topics ranging from, amongst others, education, national, regional and global issues involving the Middle East and Africa, to arts, environmental, political and social issues. Through expressing their views and providing detailed analysis in print, electronic and social media, and in public policy forums, they have helped to promote Hong Kong as a civic society.


The total number of beneficiaries has been calculated according to the actual man-times and number of schools involved. Some of them may have been involved in more than one activity.

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