Scholarships and prizes are given to promote motivation and excellence among students. Mature alumni celebrate the 10th Anniversary in excitement and nostalgia.

Strengthening Alumni Links Around the World

Through amalgamation of the former Colleges of Education and the then Institute of Language in Education, the Institute has nurtured close to 54,000 graduates in the past eleven years. As committed teachers and educators, these graduates, continue to contribute to the advancement of Hong Kong and its people.

In 2004-05, the Institute continued to strengthen ties with its alumni. A homecoming dinner was held in October 2004, as the major highlight of the Institute's year-long 10th anniversary programme, organised last year to celebrate this milestone. Mature alumni joined their young student counterparts at the dinner, celebrating the joyous occasion with both excitement and nostalgia. At the same time, reinforcing bonds overseas, several staff members paid visits to alumni in Vancouver and Toronto in February 2005. Building on these ties, the Institute will be further boosting its bonds with alumni around the world.

Reinforcing overseas bonds, staff members visited alumni in Vancouver and Toronto, in early 2005.