
Some key research projects
The Development of Performance Indicators for Measuring Primary and Secondary Students' Performance in the Affective and Social Domains (APASO)
This project came of age in the reporting year. Indicators developed in the project help to highlight students' skills in areas other than academic capability. In terms of school management, the new indicators help define direction for the development of individual schools. The success of APASO is evidenced by the award of a training commission by the Education and Manpower Bureau (EMB). Between January and June 2003, our staff provided APASO training to all schools in ong Kong with about 1,320 school principals and teachers articipating. The APASO indicators are recommended by the MB to all schools for self-enhancement and evaluation, as ell as for reporting their progress and achievement in the ffective and social domains.

Children's Literature and Affective Education
Staff from the Chinese Department and the School of Early Childhood Education are funded by the Competitive Earmarked Research Grants of the Research Grants Council to conduct a research project on children's literature and affective education. The project employs psychological theory to analyse issues faced by children in the course of their growth. It is hoped that the research findings will enhance our understanding of the symbols commonly used both in children's and adult literature and serve as a bridge between the two. The project outcomes will include an anthology of articles on archetypes in children's literature and a related bibliography.

Global and International Dimensions of Secondary School Education: Perceptions and Practices
This comparative project, commissioned by Oxfam Hong Kong, seeks to better understand the perceptions of students and teachers in Hong Kong and Shanghai towards global citizenship education in secondary schools. Current practices in citizenship education in the two places will also be explored. The project aims to identify effective strategies in bringing global citizenship to schools in Hong Kong, drawing on the best practices of educators in both cities.

Quality Education Fund Projects 2002-03
Project Title
Amount HK$
Secondary Teaching Evaluation and Mentoring Project
National Identity and Global Citizenship Education: School-based Development
Use of Diagnostic Tutorial Assessment System and Intelligent Content Assessment Marking System in Learning Science
Assessing and Improving Learning and Teaching with the Early Childhood Performance Indicators Package
Factors Affecting Primary and Secondary School Children's Motivation to Study Visual Arts and Music