Asia-Pacific Forum on Science Learning and Teaching, Volume 16, Issue 2, Article 8 (Dec., 2015)
Hatice Güngör SEYHAN
The effects of problem solving applications on the development of science process skills, logical thinking skills and perception on problem solving ability in the science laboratory

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Conclusions and Discussion

According to the first research question of our study, perception levels about problem solving abilities of prospective science teachers were identified before and after the applications. According to the scores in Table 1 it was observed that the experimental group and control group are equivalent with respect to their science process skills, logical thinking skills and the perception levels of problem solving ability at the beginning of the study.  The results displayed in Table 2 indicated that perception levels of problem solving ability of prospective science teachers decreased at the post-test following the applications. According to the results, it can be said that the prospective science teachers’ perception levels of problem solving ability in both the experimental group and the control group were at low levels. Similarly, in the literature, research conducted by Güngör Seyhan and Eyceyurt Türk (2013), Güngör Seyhan (2014), Lin and Chiu (2004), Lee (2007), Saracaloğlu, Yenice and Karasakaloğlu (2009), Temel (2009; 2014) and Temel and Morgil (2012; 2013) with prospective teachers showed that prospective teachers were at a satisfactory level in terms of perceptions of problem solving abilities. That the mean post-test scores were lower than that of the pre-test scores indicated that the applications led to a statistically significant increase in the perception levels of prospective teachers about problem solving ability (Taylan, 1990). According to Taylan (1990, p. 41), high scores show that the respondent perceives oneself as insufficient in terms of problem solving skills, while low scores show the respondents’ problem solving skills as being at a satisfactory level. Prospective teachers in both groups were able to improve their perception levels of problem solving abilities with the help of the applications. The results in Table 2 showed that there is a decrease in the perception levels about problem solving ability of the prospective teachers in both the experimental group and the control group. A significant difference was found between the PSI pre-test and post-test scores of the prospective science teachers in both the experimental group and the control group according to the different teaching methods implemented. Accordingly, the result may be interpreted as PSASL and the more researcher-oriented teaching method having different effects on prospective science teachers’ perception levels of problem solving ability. It is reasonable to argue that the difference observed in the prospective science teachers’ perception levels of problem solving ability arises from the use of the PSASL approach. It was also found that the PSASL approach, in which a greater decrease was observed in the scores of perception levels of problem solving ability, was more influential than the more-researcher-oriented teaching method in raising prospective teachers’ perception levels of problem solving ability. When prospective science teachers experienced problem solving in the science laboratory approach, they were provided with a learning environment where they sought solutions to the given problem situations through doing and experiencing, and they actively participated in the research process. They had the opportunity to perform experiments in the laboratory independently. They were creative and productive during the problem solving process; they took the responsibility of their own learning and expressed diverse opinions when proposing solution ways. Literature was observed to involve studies on the positive aspects of problem solving activities performed in the science laboratory (Gallet, 1998; Neeland, 1999; Wilson, 1987).

The second research question of the study was investigating the changes in the science process skills of prospective teachers during the science laboratory applications. Science process skills are the skills that are used both in creating scientific knowledge and in performing laboratory activities (Temel & Morgil, 2013). Prospective teachers participated in a laboratory activity that was different from the laboratory activities (PSASL and a more research-oriented laboratory), where they were given a laboratory portfolio and asked to perform their experiments by following the instructions included in the portfolio. They sought solutions to the given problem situations by using these skills. When the SPST pre-test and post-test scores of prospective science teachers in both the experimental group and control group were examined, it was determined that there is an improvement in the science process skills of prospective science teachers in both the experimental group and control group. Another research topic analyzed in the study was the changes in the logical thinking skills of the prospective science teachers who participated in the study. Prospective teachers, who participated in PSASL applications, performed the experiments they had proposed at the finding solutions to given problem situations phases in the laboratory, tested their hypotheses in line with the results they obtained from the experiments and created solutions to their problem situations by establishing cause and effect relationships. The significant relationship found between the logical thinking skills of prospective teachers and their perceptions about problem solving skills indicated that problem solving improved logical thinking skills and problem solving was essential in improving logical thinking skills.

The analysis on whether the decrease in the perception levels of prospective science teachers of both groups was significant within and between the groups was performed through MANCOVA. It was demonstrated that both application types affected the perception levels of problem solving ability, scientific process skills and logical thinking skills of prospective teachers after the applications (p<α). Also, when eta square values were examined, it was seen that 52% of the change in the perception level of problem solving ability, 23% of the change in the levels of scientific process skills and 18% of the change in the level of logical thinking skills in prospective teachers resulted from the applied application type. In this case it can be said that the PSASL application is more effective than the traditional laboratory application type, which is a more research-oriented application on the perception levels of problem solving ability, the levels of scientific process skills and the levels of logical thinking skills of prospective teachers. Data obtained from Table 4 provides opportunity to make predictions about how the perception levels of problem solving skills, scientific processing skills and logical thinking skills of a prospective teacher, whose mentioned levels were determined before both applications, would change after both applications. According to Table 4, it was observed that PSASL, which is applied as an alternative to a more research-oriented laboratory application in the science laboratory, may contribute to the development of the perception levels of problem solving ability, scientific processing skills and logical thinking skills. According to the results, prospective teachers who participated in PSASL were able to improve their science process skills better than those who followed a researcher-oriented application in the laboratory (Table 3). Changes in the logical thinking skills of the prospective teachers in both groups following the application were displayed in Table 3. The results indicated that logical thinking skills of prospective teachers who participated in PSASL activities improved better than those who belonged to the other group. The literature was observed to involve studies, where the relationship between problem solving abilities, science process skills and logical thinking skills were analyzed through laboratory methods that led to improvement in science process skills and the logical thinking skills (Cracolice, Deming & Ehlert, 2008; Geban et al., 1992; Güngör Seyhan, 2008; 2014; Güngör Seyhan & Morgil, 2015; İnce Aka et al., 2010; Koray, Köksal, Özdemir & Presley, 2007; Temel, 2009; Temel & Morgil, 2013). The results of the study by İnce Aka et al. (2010) reveal that there is no significant difference between experimental and control groups’ students’ pre-science process skills and pre-achievement test scores. Another result of this study displays that experimental group students have higher mean scores than control group students in post science process skills and the post achievement test. At the end of the study by Temel (2009), it has been seen that realized applications have a statistical effect on pre-service chemistry teachers’ perceptions of problem solving skills, science process skills and logical thinking ability. Also, multiple regression analysis has displayed that 42% of the changes in pre-service chemistry teachers’ performances were predicted by their perceptions of problem solving skill, science process skill and logical thinking ability together. In another study by Temel and Morgil (2013), it was determined that pre-service teachers perceive their problem solving skills as good after realized applications and these applications are significant effects on their perceptions of problem solving skills. Also a correlation was determined between pre-service teachers’ perceptions of problem solving skills, science process skills and logical thinking abilities. As a result of the investigation by Koray et al. (2007), it was determined that the experimental group was more successful than the control group in terms of the science process skills and academic achievement. Statistical analysis of the study by Güngör Seyhan (2014) concluded that 45% of the change in performances of pre-service teachers could collectively be predicted by certain variables such as their perceptions of problem solving skills and scientific process skills. Changes in the logical thinking skills of the prospective teachers in both groups following the application were displayed in Table 3. The results indicated that logical thinking skills of prospective teachers, who participated in PSASL activities, improved better than those who belonged to the other group.

Following the PSASL, five prospective teachers of the experimental group were selected among the participants with very good and very poor performances and they were interviewed using a fully-structured interview form about the problem solving approach in the science laboratory and its process. The aims of the interviews were to reveal the points where prospective teachers experienced difficulties during the process and were used to augment the quantitative data. Some of the questions asked and responses given by the prospective teachers are given as examples hereby below:

- During the PSASL, which of the following science process skills were challenging for you to use? Would you please explain your response together with the reasons? (a) creative and critical thinking, (b) taking the responsibility for self-learning, (c) asking questions in line with the given problem case, (d) determining a problem statement, (e) making research about the problem statement, (f) proposing solutions in line with the problem statement determined, (g) establishing hypothesis and questioning, (h) collecting and evaluating data, (i) designing an experiment as a solution proposal, (j) performing the experiment, (k) reaching conclusions and interpretation.

Student 36: The problem case we were given reflected ill-structured real world situations. Therefore, we had difficulties in forming a “problem statement with certain limits” as the researchers requested. According to my point of view, in order this phase to succeed, sub problems with certain limits should be formed in analyzing a problem case. However, when posing an appropriate problem statement following the sub-problems, we had difficulties due to our failure in establishing the relevant connections.
Student 28: Actually, we did not have any difficulties with analyzing the given problem case. Our problem statement was a relevant one with certain limits. Maybe, the difficulty we had was in designing an experiment for the most appropriate solution after presenting the solution options. We had more help from the researcher about this issue.

- In order for the problem solving method to be executed in a meaningful way, particular importance was given to choosing problem cases from daily life events. Do you think the problem cases given to you during laboratory applications should reflect real life problems? Would you explain your opinion along with the reasons?

Student 42: When the researchers explained the applications before they started, it did not seem meaningful to me at the beginning. However, as we looked at the process and the experimental reports we submitted after the applications, we understood how important it was to reach conclusions using a real world problem case we were given. In fact, if the limits were related to a real world problem instead of being related to the laboratory, I believe that we could solve all problems we encounter maybe not through the same process but through implementing a similar method.
Student 22: The previous experiments we performed at the science laboratory were too artificial. I think this was not because of us. I felt like “what am I going to do in the future with what I have learnt here?” However, all problem cases we were given here were all related to the real life situations.

- PSASL involves a process to be executed in groups. What are your positive and negative opinions during your performance of this application within your group? Should the cooperative learning model in groups be used in PSASL? Would you please explain your opinions with reasons?

Student 44: During PSASL, when asking questions about the problem, group members may come up with things that we do not even think of. The only disadvantage of working with a group could be the fact that some group members did not participate in the group actively.
Student 36: According to me, the greatest advantage of cooperative learning is its ability to develop a student’s sense of responsibility. For instance, I was able to understand the importance of constructive criticism when proposing a solution for each opinion presented by a group member.

- While trying to find solutions to the given problem cases, for which of the following problem solving strategies did you most require the guidance of the researcher; (a) rereading the problem, (b) trying to understand the problem, (c) thinking about concepts related to the problem, (d) expressing the problem in one’s own words, (e) finding possible solutions to the problems, (f) dividing the problem into sub problems, (g) focusing on the solution of the problem? Would you please explain the strategy for which you required assistance from the researcher, including its reasons?

Student 42: I believe that the success of this application depends on the success of the initial phase. That is, in order to create a successful targeted problem statement, firstly, you must understand the problem case very well. In fact, we required a lot of support from the researcher at this initial phase.
Student 28: We designed an experiment, which fit the most appropriate solution option for our problem statement. However, we got help for the researcher with respect to the content and performance of our experiment. I believe we had a successful experience as a group.

The only common point indicated by the prospective teachers during the interviews was that they had never participated in such an application before. In other words, prospective teachers mentioned that, during all the years of their education, they had used close-ended laboratory techniques and had not undertaken too many responsibilities. Fully structured interviews made after the PSASL concluded that prospective teachers moved beyond a laboratory application, which emerged from a typical cooking book model, towards developing an understanding that student-centered teaching was supported through improving skills related to asking relevant questions, trying to seek answers to all questions asked, suggesting solution options and designing an experiment in line with the most appropriate solution option as well as improving the willingness in students towards “self-learning.” According to the prospective teachers, the PSASL environment required them to be active both individually and within groups. Therefore, they emphasized the predominance of creativity and inquiry skills. Interviews revealed that prospective teachers with low PSASL performances had difficulties, particularly in determining the problem statement and dividing the problem into sub problems. Prospective teachers, who experienced difficulties in this phase, were observed to fail in other phases of problem solving strategies. According to Lin and Chiu (2004), by seeing educators demonstrating or conducting experiments themselves, learners supplement what is in textbooks and as a result learning is enhanced. An advantage of laboratory usage is that it helps improve learners' higher order learning skills such as analysis, problem solving and evaluating.

Considering the benefits of this approach for students, teachers should involve student-centered approaches more often in their teaching. Educators play essential roles in providing effective learning environments. Educators should comprehend the importance of student-centered teaching methods where student-educator and student-student interactions are possible; students take the responsibility of their own learning and acquire knowledge through research. In order to do that, they should know about the pros and cons of all methods. With the help of the in-service training activities, educators should be allowed to improve themselves in this field. In this study, prospective teachers participated in the laboratory activities during the process, in which they sought answers to the given problem situations. Open-ended laboratories such as problem solving applications enable students to recognize the fields where theoretical knowledge could be used, and to make generalizations according to the evidence obtained. Students mostly perform scientific research and inquiry in the laboratories. Laboratories are ideal environments for students to overcome their misconceptions as well as their lack of knowledge. Therefore, in order to ensure permanent and productive learning, students should be provided with learning environments where they could learn by doing and experiencing (Dkeidek, Mamlok-Naaman & Hofstein, 2012).



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